I produced a little indie called Soldier of God

You either hate it or love it. The great actor Morgan Sheppard said that if everyone loves your film you failed as an artist! Hahahaha. I love the man. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._Morgan_Sheppard I miss him. Morgan was great in the film. I even co-wrote, with the director David Hogan, a TV pilot with him in mind - nothing came of it though there was interest from Silver Pics back when they were at Warners.

Soldier of God takes place during the crusades in the Holy Land. There is a lot to write about making the film with almost no money after having lost most of it during the first attempt. I really fucked it up first time around. We did film in California and Spain and it looks great and is a neat little film in my opinion. I have seen it 600 times plus during post-production etc. Think of this film along the lines of Valhalla Rising or There Will Be Blood in terms of tempo but again with a micro-budget of what they had. It won the prestigious "Best HD Film" at the Deep Ellum/AFI Film Festival in 2005. Soldier of God also won "Best Picture" at the Stratford-upon-Avon International Film Festival and the Berkeley International Film Festival in 2005/6.

I’ll post more on making indie films including writing and distribution throughout the year. The music was also great. Lots of cool stuff that went well above its tiny budget. We had Ridley Scott’s cigar budget to make it before he did Kingdom of Heaven by the way. Also Morgan starred in the Duellists…and in Soldier of God - spectacular. Hahaha.

One thing - without the excellent crew and cast this thing would never have been finished. Their commitment was extraordinary. They were awesome.

Our DP Neil Link passed away unexpectedly in 2010 at 38… still shocked and pissed about it. He and I watched a few Liverpool matches in LA… great guy who could handle my straight-forward talks… https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1145736/