There is no crying on film sets - don't be such a pussy

From the great mind of Scientology philosopher Tom Cruise, “Come on, stop being such a pussy, OK?”

To be fair I don’t like the cult of Scientology or any religion/cult and Tom is certainly a wee bit off but his take on covid and safety in the workplace was something positive. And he is thrilled to be in the movie businesses - a bit over the top but hey he’s Scientology’s poster boy, eh.

Images from Edge of Tomorrow - Warner Bros

On Trolls of the world unite - a love letter from an admirer received today - must be a Trump supporter

Name: Evaristo Lecuona

Email Address:

Subject: Some feedback

Message: Well, I'll be sucint: there are big dick-headed pricks and then there's you, Mr. Professional Writer. I won't even dive into your horrible iranian terrorist name, that'be xenophobic and I rather differ to your lack of civility. I see on your twitter page that you're 73, and as I've read recently the most proclive people to succumbing to the novel coronavirus are the elderly. I sincerely hope you hike through this doom-like pandemic with your health intact, I truly do, so that you can see your impatience slapped and thrust deep down into the darkness of your condemned soul.