Poachers suck and other tales

My buddy and fellow vegan Damien was an Australian special operations soldier and contractor - basically a ne’er-do-well until he founded this amazing anti poaching organization staffed by some of the most amazing female Rangers in the world. Sergeant Vimbai Kumire is a kind but steel-hard Ranger (Hooah) whose size does not reflect her incredible accomplishments in the field - yes, she is short. Damien is 6’2”. These women are on the forefront of fighting forever wars against poachers with hearts and minds and guns when needed. Anyway, these kinds of organizations require funding and far too often I have seen wealthy people turn them down - what a shame, a lack of a moral compass - but anyway it is up to us and every dollar counts. They are having a fundraising drive and I urge you to do what you can in these trying times for many people and animals. Don’t pay for espressos for the week - don’t buy something you don’t really need. Instead please do visit their website and help out as much as you are able to do.


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