On Mir’s Ten Commandments for America that will never get addressed

Mir’s Ten Commandments for America that will never get addressed by our weak-willed, cowardly politicians

1)    A national strategic environmental vision and green jobs for transitioning workers to fight climate change

2)    Remove religion from politics, military and judicial system 

3)    No more subsidies or bail-outs for corporate America and a fair tax system for all

4)    Reduce law enforcement and military budgets to add and fund community/social programs

5)    Affordable or free education for all, including workers who need retraining

6)    Free healthcare like our northern friends have in Canada

7)    No lobbying or dark money whatsoever (for one, reverse Citizens United)

8)    A Federal budget for elections – no more fundraising – we are not selling the presidency to the highest bidder

9)    Address social, economic, judicial injustices – that includes holding bankers and politicians who have committed crimes accountable

10)  Build the best infrastructure in the world

Of course we know better. Nothing describes how average citizens are treated by Church, President, Court and Military than James Ensor’s masterpiece Doctrinal Nourishment. All they do is shit on us and we eat it.

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