On Trump supporters who used to be friends a long time ago

A long time ago, we used to be friends
But I haven't thought of you lately at all
If ever again, a greeting I send to you,
Short and sweet to the soul is all I intend. 

Well, sadly, this ain’t about Veronica Mars. Seasons 1 and 2 were excellent, the rest not so much – no, this is about my former very good friends who have lost their way and have become irrational and hateful Trump supporters. 

The Republican Party is not even a shadow of its former self. That party is long gone, it now represents the right-wing, religious extremists whose goal seemingly is to force everyone else to church, to obey and follow the status quo, for minorities to know their place, and to allow the use of tax dollars for their agendas, especially now that corporations have the same rights as people – all in the pursuit to tell everyone, especially women, what they must do. God and gun is their holy grail along with white power and the dominance of the white male, whose very existence, according to them, is on the brink of extinction akin to that of the polar bear. ‘Too many minorities in this country’ they argue, forgetting the very roots of America. Voter suppression, protection of property over the value of human life, lying and thieving, fits neatly in their dystopian view. Human life is only of value if it is white, preferably male and xenophobic based on ancient Athenian Xenophon but I am not sure he was actually xenophobic –  just read his work on the Persian king Cyrus or his own campaign called March Up Country (The Ten Thousand).

I digress. The Republican Party is an extremist party – obstructionist whenever it can, criminal, anti-constitutional, un-American, made up of liars, gaslighters, and felons, and are composed of fake patriots who wrap themselves in Old Glory – a symbol they actually shit on. As usual in history it is a minority class or individual that deceives people into electing them to become their leaders. In that respect, the Republicans of today are no different than other autocratic and fascist organizations. In fact, today’s Republican Party embraces those authoritarian institutions, forgetting that our recent ancestors fought fascism and communism – our military was at one time the biggest ANTIFA organization in the world especially during World War Two.

My friends – well, not friends anymore – talked a lot of smack - let’s take a quick look at what they have been saying to me over the years. Things like “I was shocked how much I liked it (a TV show), as I expected it to be a ham-fisted SJW preaching sort of idea…. I consider myself an open-minded, tolerant, classically liberal individual and a libertarian on some issues (that is why he voted Trump in 2016, eh? Libertarianism is a non-sensical idea, and he’s also made a couple of homophobic comments which he now seems to have forgotten about).” 

Another has said, at various times, “George Floyd was killed because he tried to use a fake $20 bill… what rights does a black man not have that I don’t have?.” “I hate Matt Taibi, I hate (insert any left-wingish type person or organization).” “If the teachers had guns, Sandy Hook wouldn’t have happened”. “I hate the PC and the SJWs.” “The confederates only fought for their land, the Stars and Bars and the Confederacy are about history, not slavery or treason.” “More whites get killed by cops then blacks (arguing that racist cops was a non-issue).” “Kavanaugh is a great constitutional lawyer” (because my former friend was well-read in constitutional law?)…  Women lie about sexual harassment.” (I asked him it if were alright for me to grab his step-daughter’s pussy – he called me nasty)… “Name one president who doesn’t lie.” “I believe climate changes, but blaming human activity is fake news.” “There are only two sexes.” The list is long, the affront to decency and good faith discussion too massive to tolerate.

One great one was “The Republicans have never stopped Democrats from nominating a Supreme Court Justice.” Say what? Even when providing him with facts - Obama’s attempt to nominate one, it is all about fake news, disinformation and propaganda – talking points from Fox News and the extremists of the Republican Party. They are all experts at amplifying those talking points. Facts do not exist for them. Full stop. For every supported, valid fact they will bombard you with a dozen articles (all of which are actually fake news funded by people like the Koch brothers, for example, and that is why I sadly do not donate to the Quincy Institute, who take money from them).

I could go on, but why bother? I have spent many years in person, via email, on the phone and text debating these points and it always ended up with a long rant by them that was not only shocking but dishonest to its very core. Honor, integrity, reason and decency are completely absent – so why bother having discussions with those white-nationalist, fascist fundamentalists? Talking to Republicans is pointless, talking to Trump supporters is like trying to convince Osama bin Laden not to attack the United States. Pointless, in fact.. I would argue that the Republican Party needs to be renamed the White Nationalist Party. It only serves a minority of extremists and the brain-washed who are frightened by change. I don’t object to conservative viewpoints – but a new republican-type party needs to be created – perhaps it should be called the Abraham Lincoln Party – and perhaps it should embrace the progressive Americans who seek social and financial justice for all citizens and residents.

If ever again, a greeting I send to you,
Short and sweet to the soul is all I intend

I do not miss my former friends – my life is better for not having “discussions” with them. I do hope that progressives will rise and take over the Democratic Party (that is now like the old Republican Party), kick out the old guard like Pelosi, Shumer and Feinstein et al, that has helped ruin our society and world. And that this new Progressive Democratic Party will set about doing what is best for most Americans by creating a fair and just society. A bonus would be the destruction of the Republican extremists who are today, and for a few more weeks, holding power. 


Much like me in regards to my former friends, Progressives have no responsibility or reason to reach across the aisle to “heal” that breach. The Republicans have created this Dystopian America and need to be held accountable. In ancient times, there would have been stoning for some leaders – death sentences – or some were ostracized (Xenophon for one), sent away. The latter is far too kind for the Republican Party. They have wrought too much damage to our people and institutions. You can ostracize your friends but you must destroy the enemy – the Republican Party. I love elephants but this elephant must become extinct. So take off your gloves, Democrats and Progressives.

A note – I once volunteered for a short time for then Republican Pete McCloskey in Palo Alto, CA, and I have made donations to the Nader and Sanders campaigns. 

