It's not Netanyahu, it's not Hamas - it's Israel, it's Palestine

Facts, not emotions. Fact is we are complicit in genocide and ethnic cleansing and have been for decades. Blaming Netanyahu is obfuscation since ethnic cleansing has been officially ongoing since 1948.

We are on the wrong side of history to our detriment, never mind all the people being murdered but our congress has been bought and paid for by Zionist Americans, oppresses free speech, punishes people who object to the mainstream narrative and so on.

When we have members of congress and in our military wear the uniform of the IDF we have a serious problem in our country - that is called Dual Loyalty and that destroys our country. Israel is clearly interfering in our elections, never mind murdering US sailors and citizens. Israel was founded by terrorism and the IDF drew numbers of terrorists into its ranks. But hey, we also created the US through terrorism - one person’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter.

We know that anything and everything that comes out of the White House, Pentagon, mainstream media and racist Israel (most Israelis hate Arabs) are lies and nothing but lies.

It is absolutely shameful to fund and support the genocide on Palestinians - be that by Biden or by Trump. Hamas are not terrorists, they are elected by Palestinians and therefore the legal government whether we like it or not. Never mind that Israel helped Hamas… history, facts…

Democracy and freedom of speech are hollow talking points - we overthrow democracies, suppress freedom of speech and assembly, and actively fund genocide.

Never again but only for Israelis? I am well pleased there are many Jews who support peace, human rights, and Palestinians - they are a reminder of a great culture, of a great moral core, of a people who understand and experienced genocide. There may be hope, but not for us… as long as we murder animals we will murder humans. As long as we smear humans as untermenschen we will have wars. Since WWII we have been involved in forever wars and there is no end in sight. Israel is at war with everyone. 173 countries and 90% of the world’s population know that Apartheid Israel commits genocide and oppose it but the US…

Meanwhile we have a ton of homeless, a growing gap between the filthy rich and the poor, a shrinking middle class driven into bankruptcies by greed and a cruel congress, climate change - but we have billions upon billions for Israel…

Anyhow, here are some people who sell us lies, love the murder of human beings as long as they aren’t Israelis (Americans are okay to be murdered though), and really are the worst people. Religious lunatics, Republicans, Democrats… plain simple awful people. A bunch of real motherfuckers.