KSK and Navy SEALs Afghanistan early during Operation Enduring Freedom Picture Gallery
Some pictures of German Navy SEALs (KSK) operating alongside US Navy SEALs. Some of the photos can be found in the SEAL book Chris Osman (USMC/SEAL) and I wrote in 2008 about the Teams in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as other theaters of operations. I think it was one of the first books to cover the platoons in the Forever Wars that wasn’t a memoir.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. This is a picture of all of the weapons and ammunition that we collected during the raid. all of it was taken down to the bottom of the hill via a small access road. It was blown in place by the Navy EOD personnel who were assigned to Echo Platoon.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Box of linked ammunition and hand grenades found by the KSK while raiding the target. Fuses for the grenades are wrapped up in the paper with the red string. these were destroyed after the raid on the target village.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Two story house located inside the village area. After the village was cleared teams of 2 personnel were posted all over the village to include the roof tops for added security. the sun is just starting to come up so some small fires were made to stay warm. Near the door you will notice the German's ruck sack. After Zarwar Kili operation we took our rucks on every mission so we could have extra supplies.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Three story main house. This was the main focus of the KSK when the raid started. This is the back side of the target building. in the lower left corner you can see 2 KSK operators on guard duty as the sun comes up.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Side of one of the target buildings. There is a small walk way in the center. This is the main walk way that splits the 2 separate 3 story buildings. These structures were very well made and very strong. Amazingly it was all made with mud and wood beam.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Side of a 3 story building. KSK operator walking thru village after the raid. Notice his HK rifle has an EOTECH sight. At the time the SEAL teams had never heard of this type of sight. 7 years later it is the issued sight for Navy SEAL teams along with Aimpoint sights.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Roof top of one of the target buildings.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Some of the weapons that were captured. All were Soviet made except the villagers’ shotguns.
Target AQ050A Ahmed Kheyl Cave Complex. German operators relaxing after coming back from 1 thousand meter climb up to the target caves. This is the building where the Navy SEALs and KSK met with the Anti Taliban Force (ATF). Notice the radio on the table in the center of the picture. this is what the ATF commander used to communicate with his troops in the area.
German KSK stop a local "Jingle" truck and prevented it from entering a safe area around our compound after a target raid. The operators made the locals lift the hood to search for explosives. after searching the rest of the truck.
Picture of a villagers shotgun on top of a mine/Bobbie trap making chart. Printed on cloth can be easily rolled or folded. Very easy to hide and because it is not made of paper can not easily be destroyed by the environment.
Center compound of the main target building KSK raided. Door in the center is the main entrance of the target. Pile of weapons were later destroyed.
Photo of one of the 2 story structures in target compound.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. 2 Navy support personnel. These 2 men are not Navy SEALs. They are watching the German and Navy blow up the weapons,grenades and mines captured during the raid.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. German KSK bringing out captured weapons into the center of the targets compound.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Captured mortar found by German KSK during the raid.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. KSK after the raid. picture was taken while weapons were being brought out to the center of the compound.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Navy EOD and German KSK are capping into explosives getting ready to start time fuse. This is the pile of weapons, mortars, ammunition, mines, and grenades found at the target village.
Target AQ050A Ahmed Kheyl Cave Complex. Navy SEALs and German KSK searching caves at 11 thousand feet. The caves were empty but very well made. All cave entrances were marked via GPS and later destroyed by air strikes.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Navy EOD is preparing charges for the destruction of captured weapons and munitions.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. German KSK stand guard on local villagers. The villagers loaded their mules and under guard took all weapons and munitions to the bottom of the hill where they were blown up.
KSK watches over village elder after being searched and cut loose. This is the village chief whom in the past fought against the Soviets as a Mujaheddin.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Roof top of one of the target houses.
Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. KSK after raid on target. One of the operators is carrying a hooligan tool used for breaching locked doors.
Navy SEALs and German KSK loaded onto a C-17 cargo plane getting ready to leave Bagram airbase and return to Kandahar Airport.
Navy SEAL platoon leader.
Navy interpreter talking to local villagers and verifying identities.
KSK Unit commander
Target AQ049D Ali Kheyl Taghowstay compound. Navy SEALs and German KSK leave villagers behind as they head to their extract point.
Target AQ049D Ali Kheyl Taghowstay compound. SEALs and German KSK arrive at extract site. Troops waited until night fall to be extracted by Air force helicopters.
Target AQ049D Ali Kheyl Taghowstay compound. Just before extract Camels wandered into the extract site. SEALs chase them off so the helicopters can be cleared to come in for extract.
Target AQ049D Ali Kheyl Taghowstay compound. SEAL watches as camels go by just before extract.