The Capitol Riot: A Chronology

From the National Security Archive - for the best view click on the link or cut and paste it into your browser.


The Capitol Riot: A Chronology

(photo credit Alex Polyakov)

National Security Archive Timeline Pieces Together Events of January 6, 2021

Highlights Ongoing, Unresolved Discrepancies Between Official Testimony,
Media Reporting, and Pentagon's Sparse Timeline

Published: Jan 6, 2022

Edited by Claire Harvey and Lauren Harper

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Political Crimes and Abuse of Power

Secrecy and FOIA

Terrorism and Counterterrorism


United States and Canada



Washington, D.C., January 6, 2022 - The National Security Archive marks the one-year anniversary of the assault on the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, with a meticulously researched timeline of the day's events. The chronology, which will serve as an important tool for investigators, researchers, and the public, is divided into three main parts:

  1. Events that took place at the Capitol that we know about thanks to stellar reporting from organizations like ProPublica, The New York Times, the AP, The Washington Post, NPR, Politico, and Newsweek, as well as information provided by a host of both local and federal officials in Congressional testimony;

  2. Activity at the White House, drawn primarily from former President Trump's official statements on Twitter;

  3. The Department of Defense's official timeline that was published on January 8, 2021.

The chronology below, taken together with our three previous sourcebooks, provides a high level of detail about the attempted coup while at the same time underscoring just how much about federal or local government decisions and actions remains unknown to the public.  Each entry includes a source, with hyperlink, and a Who's Who of key figures is also provided.  The Archive will update the timeline as important new information surfaces.


The Capitol Riot: Documents You Should Read (Part 1)
Jan 13, 2021

The Capitol Riot: Documents You Should Read (Part 2)
Mar 3, 2021

The Capitol Riot: Documents You Should Read (Part 3)
May 4, 2021

Cyber Brief: Cyber and the Insurrection, One Year Later
Jan 6, 2022


Keys to the Timeline

Minute-by-minute reporting of the Capitol attack comes primarily from open sources (much of it video footage and images captured by smartphones) obtained during investigations by major news outlets.

Rioters breached the Capitol Building from both the East and the West side of the building.

Events from the west side of the Capitol are color-coded green;

The east side breach is color-coded blue.


Who's Who (as of January 6, 2021)

Muriel Bowser - Mayor, District of Columbia 

Robert J Contee III - Chief, Metropolitan Police Department (MPDC)

Kevin Donahue - City Administrator, District of Columbia

Robert Glover - Commander, Special Operations Division, Metropolitan Police Department (MPDC)

Donnell Harvin - Chief, Homeland Security and Intelligence, HSEMA

Paul Irving - House Sergeant at Arms

Ryan McCarthy - Secretary of the Army (SECARMY)

Chris Miller - Acting Secretary of Defense (A/SD)

Mark Milley - Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS)

Yogananda Pittman - Chief, U.S. Capitol Police (USCP), Sund's successor 

Dr. Christopher Rodriguez - Director, D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA) 

Michael Stenger - Senate Sergeant at Arms 

Steven Sund - Chief, U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) 

General William Walker - Commander, D.C. National Guard (DCNG)


Jump to January 5 events
Jump to January 6 events
Jump to January 7 events




Key Capitol Attack Events

White House Activity

Pentagon Timeline


The FBI reports on the growing threat posed by white supremacists infiltrating all levels of law enforcement, and notes that one of the major worries about such infiltration is compromised intelligence.
(Source: House Oversight Committee)


The Department of Homeland Security disbands a component of analysts under the Office of Intelligence and Analysis who focus on domestic terrorism.
(Source: The Daily Beast)


Speaker Nancy Pelosi sends a letter to House Democrats anticipating a tie in the Electoral College requiring state delegations to vote, writing that, "The Constitution says that a candidate must receive a majority of the state delegations to win.” She continues, “We must achieve that majority of delegations or keep the Republicans from doing so.”
(Source: Politico)

At a campaign rally outside of Harrisburg, PA., President Donald Trump makes his comments on the congressional electoral process, stating in reference to the upcoming election: "And I don't want to end up in the Supreme Court and I don't want to go back to Congress either, even though we have an advantage if we go back to Congress — does everyone understand that?” He continues, "I think it’s 26 to 22 or something because it’s counted one vote per state, so we actually have an advantage. Oh, they're going to be thrilled to hear that.”
(Source: Politico)


The DHS’s first Homeland Threat Assessment states that white supremacists are America’s biggest threat. Earlier drafts included harsher language, and explicitly singled out white supremacists, while later drafts avoided this and grouped white supremacists within the larger framework of "domestic violent extremists" (DVE). The final draft states “Among DVEs, racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists—specifically white supremacist extremists (WSEs)—will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland.”
(Source: Department of Homeland Security)


Three days after the November 3rd, 2020, presidential election, the AP announces Joe Biden as the winner. Votes are subsequently recounted in Georgia, and on November 19, 2020, following the recount, Joe Biden is affirmed as the winner of the election.
(Source: The Associated Press)


Thousands of President Trump supporters rally in Washington, D.C., asserting that the election results are fraudulent. Violent clashes ensue between protesters, counter-protesters, and police.
(Source: NPR)


#StopTheSteal emerges - Although the phrase is not unique to the 2020 election, an investigation found that on Twitter, far-right social media personality Jack Posobiec posted a now-deleted tweet, “#StopTheSteal 2020 is coming…”, on December 7, 2020. That same day far-right extremist Ali Alexander also announces he will build a website and database later to be used to mobilize Trump supporters.
(Source: Just Security)
On Facebook, Vice News reports a "Stop the Steal" group publishing disinformation regarding the 2020 election is quickly amassing hundreds of thousands of followers.
(Source: Vice News)


The Congressional Research Service publishes, “Counting Electoral Votes: An Overview of Procedures at the Joint Session, Including Objections by Members of Congress".
(Source: Federation of American Scientists)


The FBI receives a tip on the afternoon of December 20, 2020, alerting the agency that Trump's supporters are discussing how to illegally bring firearms to Washington, D.C., "overrun police" and "arrest" members of Congress, as later reported by the Washington Post.
(Source: The Washington Post)


Following violent protests earlier in the month, D.C. Metropolitan Police Chief Robert Contee briefs Mayor Muriel Bowser on the potential for violent protests on January 6 and the Department begins developing a security plan.
(Source: The Washington Post)


A "First Amendment Coordination Call" takes place between all agencies expected to interact with planned protesters.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


The FBI, DHS, and National Counterterrorism Center issue a joint "Intelligence In Depth" report titled "Diverse DVE Landscape Probably Will Persist." No mention is made of Donald Trump, election disinformation, or the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
(Source: Newsweek)


One week ahead of January 6, plans for security increase in both DC and on Capitol Hill. Representative Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) speaks with Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund regarding protests planned for 1/6
(Source: Washington Post)
Meanwhile, Proud Boys chairman Ethan Nordean, also known as Rufio Panman, posts on social media that the group will turn out in "record numbers" on January 6 and that they will not be wearing their trademark colors of black and yellow.
(Source: DOJ)

"Mayor Muriel Bowser and Dr. Christopher Rodriguez, D.C. Director of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, deliver a written request for D.C. National Guard (DCNG) support to D.C. Metro Police Department (MPD) and Fire and Emergency Service."
(Source: Pentagon)


A "Public Gathering Permit" on the Ellipse to Women For America First is granted for Wednesday, January 6, 2021, with 5,000 as an anticipated number of participants, according to a timeline published by the House Homeland Security Committee.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


Commander of the D.C. National Guard, General William Walker, sends a letter to Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy requesting approval for the Mayor Bowser's request to the Army for DCNG assistance to the MPDC on January 6. This is omitted from the Pentagon timeline.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


Immediately following a scheduled leadership transition at the DC Metropolitan Police, Mayor Bowser has a briefing with new acting Police Chief Contee regarding January 6
(Source: The Washington Post)
Contee also speaks with Chief of Capitol Police Steven Sund.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)

"The Acting Secretary of Defense (A/SD) confers with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) and the Secretary of the Army (SECARMY) on the Mayor’s written request."
(Source: Pentagon)


DC Mayor Bowser announces a city-wide plan to deal with the expected protests on 1/6, including closing large portions of downtown DC to vehicles, and posting signs that guns cannot be carried into the District. According to testimony by Sund's successor Capitol Police Chief Pittman, an Inter-Agency Coordination Division (IICD) Intelligence memo stated that militia members, white supremacists, and other extremists groups would be participating in the event
(Source: Congressional Testimony)
But in Sund's testimony he indicated that overall the January 6 protests were expected to be similar to previous protests disputing the election results in November and December.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)

"DoD confirms with U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) that there is no request for DoD support."
(Source: Pentagon)


Meeting in Quantico, Virginia, between the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team, the FBI's national "Render Safe" team, the FBI SWAT team from the Baltimore Field Office, Special Response Teams from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the U.S. Marshals Service Special Operations Group to review potential threats to the January 6 Joint Session of Congress.
(Source: Newsweek)


According to the Pentagon Timeline, the President meets with the Acting Secretary of Defense Miller and the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Milley.

"A/SD and CJCS meet with the President. President concurs in activation of the DCNG to support law enforcement."
(Source: Pentagon)


"A/SD meets with select Cabinet Members to discuss DoD support to law enforcement agencies and potential requirements for DoD support."
(Source: Pentagon)


In addition to the details in the public Pentagon timeline, later reporting states that on January 3rd "Trump approved the activation of the D.C. National Guard and also told the Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller to take whatever action is needed as events unfolded."
(Source: The Associated Press)


8:00 AM

Metropolitan Police Department briefs D.C. Council on upcoming protests and the Insurrection Act.
(Source: The Washington Post)


A Capitol Police Civil Disturbance Unit briefing estimates that 20,000 people are expected to come to the Capitol that week and anticipates violence. Classified documents from the Secret Service and the FBI indicate that as many as 120,000 protesters came.
(Source: Newsweek)


9:00 AM

Acting Secretary of Defense Miller meets with Secretary of the Army McCarthy, and CJCS Milley to discuss the role of the DC National Guard. This 9:00 AM meeting is not in the DOD timeline.
(Source: Newsweek)


The Secret Service issues a "Protective Intelligence Brief, March for Trump, January 4, 2021". Despite the intelligence brief highlighting at least 57 different groups attending, and videos posted by Ali Alexander, the report concluded "no indication of civil disobedience" on January 6.
(Source: Newsweek)


2:43 PM

Coordinated by DC's Chief of Homeland Security and Intelligence, Donnell Harvin, intelligence 'fusion-centers' across nation have a call on an influx of alarming intelligence leading up to 1/6.
(Source: The Washington Post)
The call notes recommend DC hospitals prepare for a mass casualty event. Harvin invites the FBI, DHS, and military intelligence services to review information as he collects it.
(Source: Just Security)


USCP Chief Steven Sund directsthat additional Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) kits be available in the field if needed on 1/6. Sund also requests DCNG support through the House and Senate Sergeant at Arms but the request for Guardsmen is denied due to bad "optics".
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


The DC Metropolitan Police arrest Enrique Tarrio, Chairman of Proud Boys, in connection with burning a Black Lives Matter flag taken from a historic Black church in Washington, D.C. in December. Tarrio is found having two high-capacity firearm magazines.
(Source: The New York Times)


"The A/SD, in consultation with CJCS, SECARMY, and DoD General Counsel (GC), reviews the Department’s plan to be prepared to provide support to civil authorities, if asked, and approves activation of 340 members of the DCNG to support Mayor Bowser’s request. Support provided in response to Mayor Bowser’s request includes support at:
Traffic Control Points: 90 personnel (180 total/2 shifts);
Metro station support: 24 personnel (48 total/2 shifts);
Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team: 20 personnel;
and Internal Command and Control: 52 personnel.
A/SD also authorizes SECARMY to deploy a Quick Reaction Force (40 personnel staged at Joint Base Andrews) if additional support is requested by civil authorities."
(Source: Pentagon)


"USCP confirms there is no requirement for DoD support in a phone call with SECARMY."
(Source: Pentagon)


6:30 PM

US Capitol Police Chief Sund calls to DCNG Gen. Walker to see how many Guardsmen would be able to arrive to the Capitol on short notice, and how long it would take.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


"Acting Secretary of Defense Miller issues guidance to the Secretary of the Army, stating that without Miller's personal authorization, the DCNG is not permitted to interact physically with protesters, deploy riot control agents, employ helicopters, and a number of other tactics, against protesters on January 6."
(Source: Pentagon)


The FBI field office in Norfolk, Virgina, issues an internal warning that extremists are planning violence in response to 'unlawful lockdowns' on January 6 at the Capitol and that protesters were planning for "war". The FBI Norfolk warning was shared with the Capitol Police, but the Sergeant in the Capitol Police intelligence division who received the information did not elevate it to senior leadership.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


10:00 AM

The chair of the House committee with oversight of the Capitol Police, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), discusses preparations with House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving and USCP Chief Sund.
(Source: The Washington Post)


Around 11AM

Oath Keepers allegedly store weapons at the Comfort Inn Ballston in Arlington, Virginia.
(Source: Federal Indictments)


12:53 PM

Following media reports the previous day that CBP and BOP agents had been deployed to DC, Mayor Bowser tweets to clarify that she has not requested any federal assistance, and that any deployment should be in consultation with the Metropolitan Police Department.
(Source: Twitter)


Department of Homeland Security's Federal Protective Service warns of violent domestic violent extremists attending events planned for following day.
(Source: FOIA release, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Protective Service, Investigations Branch)


Proud Boys "Boots on the Ground" encrypted messaging channel is created to communicate on 1/6.
(Source: Federal Indictment)


As reported by ProPublica, a 17-page Capitol Police operational plan dated January 5 states white supremacists and other domestic violent extremists are expected to attend the January 6 rally, but does not discuss a potential breach of the Capitol Building.


Call between USCP Chief Sund, principles of Capitol Police Board, and top law enforcement and military officials.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


Pro-Trump protesters gather at Freedom Plaza event. MPDC arrests at least 10 people during Tuesday's demonstrations.
(Source: The Hill)


"DOD issues second memo limiting DCNG activity. The Washington Post reports, "In memos issued Monday and Tuesday in response to a request from the D.C. mayor, the Pentagon prohibited the District’s guardsmen from receiving ammunition or riot gear, interacting with protesters unless necessary for self-defense, sharing equipment with local law enforcement, or using Guard surveillance and air assets without the defense secretary’s explicit sign-off, according to officials familiar with the orders."
(Source: The Washington Post)


"255 DCNG arrive in D.C. and begin to manage traffic control points alongside local law enforcement."
(Source: Pentagon)


"Mayor Bowser delivers a letter addressed to the Acting Attorney General, A/SD, and SECARMY confirming that there are no additional support requirements from the D.C."
(Source: Pentagon)


4:00 PM

In a phone call between USCP Chief Sund, House and Senate Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving and Michael Stenger, and Representative Tim Ryan, the security leaders of the Capitol assure the representative that "every precaution was being taken" for the following day.
(Source:The Washington Post )


In a letter, the Secretary of the Army approves 340 additional DC National Guard members to support the DC Metropolitan Police. The document also outlines that the DCNG still needs to request equipment for self-defense from the Secretary of the Army, and withholds approval to deploy the National Guard Quick Reaction Force (QRF).
(Source: Just Security)
Later, DCNG Commander Walker testifies that he was required to submit a concept of operation to the Secretary of the Army before the QRF could be deployed, and that this was highly unusual.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)

"The Secretary of the Army approves 340 additional DC National Guard members to support the DC Metropolitan Police."



An individual places two pipe bombs between 5:30 and 6:30 PM at Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee Headquarters.
(Source: FBI)


12:43 AM

Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweets: Get smart Republicans. FIGHT!
(Source: UCSB Presidency Project)


1:00 AM

Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweets: If Vice President @Mike_Pence comes through for us, we will win the Presidency. Many States want to decertify the mistake they made in certifying incorrect & even fraudulent numbers in a process NOT approved by their State Legislatures (which it must be). Mike can send it back!
(Source: UCSB Presidency Project)


A 13-page demonstration report, issued later by DHS, lists nearly 80 “First Amendment assemblies” taking place in Washington, D.C. between January 5 and January 29, 2021, including eight deemed of especially high visibility.
(Source: The Washington Post)



Following a January 3 meeting in Virginia, elite FBI and Special Operations teams, including a tactical Hostage Rescue Team that would later be one of the first to enter the Capitol after the attack, are staged downtown closer to the Capitol.
(Source: Newsweek)


7:00 AM

Trump supporters begin to gather near White House.
(Source: The Washington Post)


8:06 AM

Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweets: Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd is so happy with the fake voter tabulation process that he can't even get the words out straight. Sad to watch!
(Source: UCSB Presidency Project)


8:17 AM

Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweets: States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!
(Source: UCSB Presidency Project)


8:22 AM

(Source: UCSB Presidency Project)


8:30 AM

"A/SD and CJCS review DoD plan to support law enforcement agencies and request an exercise regarding DoD contingency response options."
(Source: Pentagon)


9:00 AM

Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweets: They just happened to find 50,000 ballots late last night. The USA is embarrassed by fools. Our Election Process is worse than that of third world countries!
(Source: UCSB Presidency Project)


9:15 AM

Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweets: The States want to redo their votes. They found out they voted on a FRAUD. Legislatures never approved. Let them do it. BE STRONG! )
(Source:UCSB Presidency Project)


9:16 AM

Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweets: Even Mexico uses Voter I.D.
(Source: UCSB Presidency Project)


10:44 AM

Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweets: These scoundrels are only toying with the @sendavidperdue (a great guy) vote. Just didn't want to announce quite yet. They've got as many ballots as are necessary. Rigged Election!
(Source: UCSB Presidency Project)


11:00 AM

Original planned beginning time for Trump speech at the Ellipse.

Original planned beginning time for Trump speech at the Ellipse.


11:30 AM

"A/SD participates in table-top exercise regarding DoD contingency response options."
(Source: Pentagon)


11:57 AM

Trump begins speech. (Annotated version courtesy of the Associated Press)


12:45 PM

First of two pipe bombs are found, first at RNC and later at the DNC.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


Mob on west side of Capitol building swells to more than 9,400 people (officers outnumbered by more than 58:1).
(Source: The Washington Post)


12:53 PM

On the west side of the building, Capitol Police lose their first line.
(Source: The Washington Post)


12:54 PM

South of the first line break, protesters squeeze through a mesh fence and draw closer to the building.
(Source: The Washington Post)


12:54 PM

The rioters then overpower USCP where first line broke.
(Source: The Washington Post)


12:55 PM

Rioters then stream over mesh fences and metal barricades on pathway and the surrounding lawn.
(Source: The Washington Post)


12:58 PM

Despite contradicting accounts, cell phone records show that Sund first called the House Sergeant at 12:58 p.m, and again four other times: at 1:05 p.m., 1:34 p.m., 1:39 p.m. and 1:45 p.m. to request National Guard support.
(Source: Forbes)


12:59 PM

Congress meets in joint session.
(Source: The Washington Post)


Before 1PM

The USCP riot squad get on a bus to await orders.
(Source: ProPublica)


1:01 PM

USCP requests FEMS assistance at the U.S. Capitol.


1:03 PM

MPDC advises USCP they have arrived on the scene.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


1:05 PM

"A/SD receives open source reports of demonstrator movements to U.S. Capitol."
(Source: Pentagon)


1:09 PM

Sund contacts Senate and House Sergeant at Arms (Irving and Stenger) requesting authorization to formally call in National Guard assistance. This, however, is disputed in the Irving's testimony.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)

Trump ends his speech encouraging the crowd to move towards the Capitol building, "We're going to the Capitol." "We’re going to try and give them [Republicans] the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country."
(Source: The Washington Post)


1:13 PM

Glover (MPDC) calls for CDUs, protective equipment, and DOS teams.
(Source: The Washington Post)


1:15 PM

On west side of Capitol Building MPDC uses pepper spray and tasers in response to violent rioters.
(Source: The Washington Post)


1:15 PM

Second explosive device reported at DNC headquarters. Capitol Police are diverted from Capitol building in order to evacuate buildings nearby.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


1:16 PM

At the Capitol's west entrance, rioters continue to attack and at least one uses bear mace.
(Source: The Washington Post)


1:18 PM

MPDC regains control of southeastern corner of inaugural platform.
(Source: The Washington Post)


1:18 PM

Glover (MPD) reports "Multiple Capitol injuries."
(Source: The Washington Post)


1:18 PM

DC Fire and EMS arrive at the Capitol.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


1:26 PM

"USCP orders evacuation of Capitol complex."
(Source: Pentagon)


1:29 PM

DC Acting Police chief Contee calls D.C. City Administrator Kevin Donahue to provide situational update from the Capitol.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


1:30 PM

By this time, "Irving sits at a desk placing calls to a law enforcement association that can organize mutual aid from county and state police forces in suburban Maryland and Virginia, according to people in the room."
(Source: Washington Post)


1:31 PM

As security at the Capitol continues to rapidly deteriorate, DC Mayor Bowser declares a state of emergency.
(Source: Twitter)


1:33 PM

By this time, MPDC's Glover has called for hard reinforcements in riot gear at least seven times and for munition two times.
(Source: The Washington Post)


1:34 PM

Footage depicts MPDC deploying first string ball to control crowd on the west side of the building with little effect.
(Source: The Washington Post )


MPDC's Glover received confirmation that one unit, Platoon unit 42, is on its way to provide additional assistance. The Platoon unit, meant to reinforce Glover at western entrance to Capitol, is located at 200 10th St NW (1 mile away).
(Source:The Washington Post)


1:34 PM

"SECARMY phone call with Mayor Bowser in which Mayor Bowser communicates request for unspecified number of additional forces."
(Source: Pentagon)


1:39 PM

MPDC's Glover orders officers to deploy 40mm launcher against rioters.
(Source: The Washington Post)


1:39 PM-1:49 PM

Sund calls Walker for any available DCNG troops, a report that highlights a 10 minute discrepancy with the DOD timeline.
(Source: The Washington Post)


1:43 PM

Under increasing pressure, MPDC's Glover asks again about location and ETA for Platoon 42.
(Source: The Washington Post)


1:46 PM

Glover radios, "This is now effectively a riot".
(Source: The Washington Post)


1:49 PM

The dispatcher for Metropolitan Police declares situation at west Capitol entrance a riot.
(Source: The Washington Post)


Glover has now requested backup at least 11 times, munitions 5 times.
(Source: The Washington Post. )


1:49 PM

Rioters push past police line on the west side of Capitol Building.
(Source: The Washington Post. )


1:49 PM

"Commanding General, DCNG, Walker phone call with USCP Chief Sund. Chief Sund communicates request for immediate assistance."
(Source: Pentagon)


1:49 PM

Immediately following the 1:49 phone call from Sund, Walker calls Army leaders to tell them about Sund’s request.
(Source: Congressional Testimony. This is excluded in the public DOD timeline.


1:50 PM

USCP dispatched to look for other possible explosives at DNC, suggesting a potential plot to divert resources away from the Capitol building.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


1:51 PM

Sund activates Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Mutual Aid Agreement, requesting assistance from law enforcement agencies from the National Capital Region (NCR).
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


1:58 PM

On the northeast side of the Capitol, video footage shows police falling back as protestors walk through barricades.
(Source:The New York Times)


2:00 PM

Unable to reach MPDC Glover's unit, Platoon 42 is still on steps on the west side of the Capitol Building.
(Source: The Washington Post)


2:00 PM

On the east side of the Capitol, the crowd breaks through the barricades.
(Source: The New York Times)


2:08 PM

Rioters break past police officers on scaffolding on the inaugural platform.
(Source: The Washington Post)


Around this time

Estimates that at least 2,000 people have pushed past police lines on east side of the building and have attempted to break in.
(Source: The Washington Post)


2:10 PM

"Director Rodriguez calls USCP Chief Sund asking what support is needed immediately; Sund replies he needs anything that can be provided. With MPD and FEMS already at the Capitol under the Mayor's authority, Rodriguez offers to set up a call with DCNG and MPD to outline USCP's specific needs for DCNG support. This can only be approved by SecArmy and A/ SecDef, and DCNG includes staff of SecArmy on the call".
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


2:13 PM

Dispatcher confirms that rioters have broken windows on east side of Capitol and then immediately confirms that Capitol east entrance has been breached.
(Source: The Washington Post. )


Between 2:12 and 2:24 Glover requests four times for a fall back point; no response on where to fall back is provided.
(Source: The Washington Post)


2:13 PM

Senator Mitt Romney reverses course down hallway to avoid rioters.
(Source: Impeachment Evidence)


2:15 PM

VP Pence is evacuated to first secure location and Senator Chuck Grassley gavels Senate to recess.
(Source: The Washington Post)


2:14 PM

Rioters reach the Senate chamber; USCP Officer Eugene Goodman leads rioters away from location of VP Pence.
(Source: The Washington Post. )


According to an unreleased Pentagon timeline, Sund makes a second "frantic" call to Walker to send at least 200 Guard members and more if available.
(Source: The Associated Press)


Around 2:20PM

FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich dispatches the first of three tactical teams to the Capitol building, following a call from a colleague who had spoken with an aid barricaded inside a Senate office.
(Source: The Washington Post)


2:22 PM

"SECARMY phone call with D.C. Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Dr. Rodriguez, and MPD leadership to discuss the current situation and to request additional DCNG support."
(Source: Pentagon)


"Rodriguez (DC DHS) convenes a call for USCP with MPD, FEMS, DCNG, and staff of SecArmy to ensure coordination; other D.C. government officials listen in, including Mayor Bowser. On the call, USCP requests immediate DCNG support from General Walker and staff of SecArmy. Contee directly asks Sund if he is requesting DCNG at the U.S. Capitol. Sund says yes. In response, staff of SecArmy says they are not comfortable sending DCNG to the Capitol to confront peaceful protestors without a comprehensive plan. MPD has already been on scene at the U.S. Capitol for over an hour."
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


2:24 PM

On the East side of the Capitol Building, the Dispatcher confirms: "be advised, they've breached the Senate door on the east side of the building as well."
(Source: The Washington Post)

Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweets: Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!
(Source: UCSB Presidency Project)


2:25 PM

"At 2:25 p.m., McCarthy told his staff to prepare to move the emergency reaction force to the Capitol. The force could be ready to move in 20 minutes." In the twenty minutes before this, the AP additionally reports that "On the Pentagon’s third floor E Ring, senior Army leaders were huddled around the phone for what they described as a “panicked” call from the D.C. Guard. As the gravity of the situation became clear, McCarthy bolted from the meeting, sprinting down the hall to Miller’s office and breaking into a meeting."
(Source: The Associated Press)


2:26 PM

House goes back into session before recessing at 2:29PM.
(Source: The Washington Post)


2:25 PM

VP Pence is evacuated from his hiding place (less than 100 feet from rioters) to a secure location.
(Source: Impeachment Evidence)


President Trump speaks to Sen. Tommy Tuberville via phone, urging further objection to the electoral count.
(Source: USA Today)


2:29 PM

MPDC's Glover announces on radio the unit has lost their line, and directs all MPDC officers to pull back to the upper deck on the West side of the Capitol Building.
(Source: The Washington Post)


2:30 PM

"A/SD, CJCS, and SECARMY meet to discuss USCP and Mayor Bowser’s requests."
(Source: Pentagon)


2:31 PM

Mayor Bowser's Office contacts the White House Executive Office of the President and staff-level conversations commence.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)

Conversations ensue between staff at the White House Executive Office of the President and the DC Mayor's Office.


2:32 PM

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer comes at a near pass with rioters in the building, as shown in the evidence presented during the impeachment of Donald Trump.
(Source: Impeachment Evidence)


2:33 PM

Emergency management channel in DC broadcasts a call for all available law enforcement officers to report to the Capitol.
(Source: The Washington Post)


2:38 PM

Capitol Police and staffers barricade main entrance of House floor.
(Source: The Washington Post)

Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweets: Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!
(Source: UCSB Presidency Project)


2:39 PM

Oath Keepers, using a "stack" formation, forcibly breach Capitol on the east.
(Source: Federal Indictment)


2:39 PM

Mayor Bowser's Chief of Staff calls counterparts in Maryland and Virginia to confirm formal requests have been made, and both confirm Governors are approving resources to the District.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


2:42 PM

Last staffers and lawmakers evacuate House chamber floor, but those in the upper gallery remain unable to leave.
(Source: The Washington Post)


2:44 PM

Attempting entry into the Speaker's lobby, rioter Ashli Babbitt is shot by Capitol Police.
(Source: The Washington Post)


2:49 PM

House members in the upper gallery are evacuated.
(Source: The Washington Post)



"Members of a specially trained D.C. police civil disturbance unit commandeer a WMATA bus and have the driver take them as close to the Capitol as possible to join in the fray. Police officers from surrounding counties in Maryland and Virginia begin arriving. Prince George’s County police are instructed to try to gain control of the north side of the west terrace. Montgomery and Arlington county officers press up a staircase on the west side. Virginia state police begin battling with rioters under the mid-level terrace on the west side. Some of the units from Maryland and Virginia arrive more quickly than Capitol police had expected because D.C. police had coordinated in advance to have them on standby. When Capitol police asked D.C. for help at 1 p.m., D.C. activated its plans with regional forces."
(Source: The Washington Post)


2:52 PM

The first FBI SWAT team enters the Capitol.
(Source: The Washington Post)


2:56 PM

Mayor Bowser speaks with Mark Meadows, Chief of Staff to President Trump.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)

Mayor Bowser speaks with Mark Meadows, Chief of Staff to President Trump.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


3:00 PM

"A/SD determines all available forces of the DCNG are required to reinforce MPD and USCP positions to support efforts to reestablish security of the Capitol complex."
(Source: Pentagon)


"SECARMY directs DCNG to prepare available Guardsmen to move from the armory to the Capitol complex, while seeking formal approval from A/SD for deployment. DCNG prepares to move 150 personnel to support USCP, pending A/SD’s approval."
(Source: Pentagon)


3:04 PM

"A/SD, with advice from CJCS, DoD GC, the Chief of the National Guard Bureau (CNGB), SECARMY, and the Chief of Staff of the Army, provides verbal approval of the full activation of DCNG (1100 total) in support of the MPD. Immediately upon A/SD approval, Secretary McCarthy directs DCNG to initiate movement and full mobilization."
(Source: Pentagon)


3:05 PM

New Jersey counterpart contacts Bowser's Chief of Staff offering resources.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


3:13 PM

Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweets: I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!
(Source: UCSB Presidency Project)


3:19 PM

"SECARMY phone call with Senator Schumer and Speaker Pelosi about the nature of Mayor Bowser’s request. SECARMY explains A/SD already approved full DCNG"
(Source: Pentagon)


3:26 PM

Mayor Bowser speaks with Secretary of the Army, who confirms USCP request for DCNG support has been approved.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


3:36 PM

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany tweets: “At President @realDonaldTrump’s direction, the National Guard is on the way along with other federal protective services. We reiterate President Trump’s call against violence and to remain peaceful.
(Source: Twitter)


3:37 PM

An unreleased Pentagon timeline reports that by 3:37PM the Pentagon sent its own security forces to guard the homes of defense leaders. No troops had yet reached the Capitol.
(Source: The Associated Press)


3:46 PM

"CNGB phone call with the Adjutant General (TAG) of Virginia to discuss support in Washington D.C. TAG said Governor had ordered mobilization of forces at 1532."
(Source: Pentagon)


3:48 PM

"SECARMY departs Pentagon for MPD HQ."
(Source: Pentagon)


3:55 PM

"CNGB phone call with TAG of Maryland to discuss support in Washington D.C. TAG said governor ordered the mobilization of the rapid response force. TAG reports Governor had ordered mobilization of the rapid response force at 1547."
(Source: Pentagon)


4:08 PM

The unreleased Pentagon timeline reports that Pence called Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, and during a one-minute phone conversation "Pence said the Capitol was not secure and he asked military leaders for a deadline for securing the building, according to the document."
(Source: The Associated Press)


4:10 PM

"SECARMY arrives at MPD HQ."
(Source: Pentagon)


4:17 PM

Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Tweets video to Capitol rioters.
(Source: C-SPAN)


4:18 PM

"A/SD, CJCS, SECARMY, and CNGB discuss availability of National Guard (NG) forces from other States in the region. A/SD gives voice approval for out-of-State NG forces to muster and to be prepared to deploy to D.C."
(Source: Pentagon)


4:30 PM

DC Homeland Security's Emergency Management Agency convenes the Consequence Management Team.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


4:32 PM

"A/SD provides verbal authorization to re-mission DCNG to conduct perimeter and clearance operations in support of USCP. SECARMY to provide public notification of support."
(Source: Pentagon)


4:40 PM

"SECARMY phone call with Governor of Maryland. Governor to send Maryland NG troops to D.C., expected to arrive on January 7, 2021."
(Source: Pentagon)


4:40 PM

An unpublished internal Pentagon timeline obtained by the AP reports that: "At about 4:40 p.m. Pelosi and Schumer were again on the phone with Milley and the Pentagon leadership, asking Miller to secure the perimeter."
(Source: The Associated Press)


5:02 PM

"Departure of 154 DCNG from D.C. Armory in support of USCP. Arrive at Capitol at 1740, swear in with USCP, and begin support operations."
(Source: Pentagon)


5:36 PM

USCP Chief Sund briefs VP Pence on the current security posture, and Pence then calls Speaker Pelosi to plan reopening the chambers at 7:30PM.
(Source: Congressional Testimony)


5:39 PM

JOC flash message to all DCNG to report to DC Armory.
(Source: New York Times Reporter Thomas Gibbons-Neff Twitter)


5:40 PM

150 members of DG National Guard arrive to the Capitol.
(Source: The Washington Post)


5:45 PM

"A/SD signs formal authorization for out-of-State NG to muster and gives voice approval for deployment in support of USCP."
(Source: Pentagon)


6:00 PM

Citywide curfew begins in DC.

Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweets: These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!
(Source: UCSB Presidency Project)


6:14 PM

"USCP, MPD, and DCNG successfully establish perimeter on the west side of the U.S. Capitol."
(Source: Pentagon)


7:00 PM

By this time, agents from the FBI and ATF have searched the Capitol for rioters room by room.
(Source: The Washington Post)

Twitter removes Trump’s tweets and shuts down his account for 12 hours for “repeated and severe violations of [its] Civic Integrity policy."
(Source: The Washington Post)


7:00 PM

Senate staff exit secure location to begin counting electoral votes.
(Source: The Washington Post)


7:36 PM

"A/SD provides vocal approval to lease fences in support of the USCP for security of the Capitol building."
(Source: The Pentagon)


8:00 PM

"USCP declares Capitol building secure."
(Source: The Pentagon)


8:06 PM

The Senate enters back into session.
(Source: The Washington Post)


9:00 PM

The House enters back into session.
(Source: The Washington Post)


USCP Chief Sund Resigns.
(Source: ABC News)


Senate Leader Mitch McConnell requests resignation of House Sergeant at Arms.
(Source: Reuters)


State Department Dissent Channel leaked to the public on Twitter.
(Source: Twitter feed of Josh Rogin, The Washington Post)


Pentagon releases its timeline of January 6.
(Source: Department of Defense)


Twitter issues permanent suspension of @realDonaldTrump account.
(Source: Twitter)


House Sergeant at Arms Resigns.
(Source: The Washington Post)

Director of Army staff makes statement on delaying National Guard: "I, nor anyone else from DoD, denied the deployment of requested personnel.
(Source: Twitter)


The United States Postal Inspection Service, issues a now declassified bulletin that describes individual and collective efforts to archive from the insurrection.
(Source: Property of the People)


Senator Sheldon Whitehouse issues statement on Insurrection.
(Source: Office of Sheldon Whitehouse, U.S. Senate)


The CRS publishes a report: Cybersecurity Concerns Related to the Recent Breach of U.S. Capitol Security.
(Source: Congressional Research Service)

Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff issues statement to the joint force, confirming that Joe Biden will be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.
(Source: JCS)


Joint Intelligence Bulletin finds extremist groups are emboldened after attack.
(Source: Yahoo News)


Representative Carolyn Maloney, Chair of the House Oversight Committee, issues a letter to FBI Director Wray to begin an investigation into the January 6 attack.
(Source: Twitter)


FBI announces it is working with ATF to identify individual behind RNC pipe bomb, and that it has received over 200,000 tips from the public to identify those who participated in the violent attacks on the Capitol.
(Source: FBI)


Impeachment trial of Donald Trump begins.
(Source: NPR)


Donald Trump is acquitted.
(Source: The Guardian)


Chief Contee testifies before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs.
(Source: Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee)


Testimony of USCP Former Chief of Police Steven A. Sund before the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration and the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
(Source: Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs)


Statement of Christopher A. Wray, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
(Source: Congressional Testimony. )


Testimony of Acting Under Secretary for the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Department of Homeland Security, Melissa Smislova.
(Source: Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs)


Testimony of William J. Walker, Commanding General, District of Columbia National Guard.
(Source: Congressional Testimony. )


Army releases a report on Army operations on January 6, 2021.
(Source: Just Security)


The AP reports a previously unreleased Pentagon timeline which includes key details withheld on the timeline the Pentagon initially made public.
(Source: The Associated Press)


The Biden Administration publishes a paper, "Strategy for Combating Domestic Extremism."
(Source: The New York Times)


House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Fact Sheet and Timeline: Delayed National Guard Response to January 6 Insurrection (released on June. 16, 2021)
(Source: Just Security)


The FBI renews a call for tips related to the individual who places the pipe bomb at the DNC and the RNC, releasing more information about the episode.
(Source: The FBI)


Department of Defense Office of Inspector General publishes a report on January 6, finding that the Department's actions leading up to event were adequate.
(Source: Department of Defense Inspector General)


A federal appeals court ruled against former President Trump’s attempt to withhold his White House records from the January 6 Committee, after President Biden declined to assert executive privilege as requested by Trump, and a lower court held that the privilege depended on the sitting president’s decision rather than any former president’s claim.
(Source: The Washington Post)


Pentagon issues new guidance to rule out extremism in the ranks.
(Source: Pentagon)

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Last Charge at Mogadishu - 10th Mountain Division and Task Force Ranger

This article, my first professional writing effort, was written in 2001 for Osprey Publishing. It was not published because the particular journal ceased publication before my submission. I left it in its original unedited version making only a couple of comments in brackets. Pictures were kindly provided by 3/75 Mogadishu veteran Ranger Anton Berendsen and Mogadishu Veteran Mark Jackson of the 10th MD.


To someone who has never experienced danger, the idea is attractive rather than alarming.  You charge the enemy, ignoring bullets and casualties, in a surge of excitement.  Blindly you hurl yourself toward icy death, not knowing whether you or anyone else will escape him.  Before you lies that golden prize, victory, the fruit that quenches the thirst of ambition.  Can that be so difficult?  

Carl von Clausewitz

With the war drums banging and the trumpets calling the civilised nations to arms against terrorism it would be prudent to review a small and seemingly insignificant action involving United States and United Nations troops that took place in Mogadishu, Somalia from October 3-4, 1993; the Battle of the Black Sea.  As the democratic states are vying for alliances to rid the world of “evil-doers”, one must remember that at the end of the day, no matter the cause, it is the common soldiers who must stand their ground and do or die.  In the years to come, these often unheralded and much maligned foot soldiers will have to be able to work effectively with their foreign counterparts as joint task forces will undoubtedly bear the brunt of this new war on terrorism as they did in the dusty streets of war-torn Mogadishu.

The purpose of this article is three-fold.  First of all, it is to familiarise the reader with the complexities and difficulties of waging a battle with multi-national forces against an indigenous hostile people.  Secondly, it is intended to explain the poor view special operations forces have of regular troops and lastly, albeit to a very small degree, show the far-reaching arm of world-renown guerrilla, Osama bin Laden.  However, it is by no means a complete analysis of this rather complex battle. 



It is like a porcupine, bristling with quite exceptional difficulties.

J.F.C. Fuller, 1935 

Somalia has been a war-ravaged country for centuries, and fighting is a way of life there whether striking fear into the hearts of British squares, Italian colonial troops or waging war against each other, Somalia was, is and will continue to be an armed and hostile land.  Somalis battled their neighbours, changed strategic alliances with super powers and struggled to survive a civil war.  Inevitably, this left the country exhausted, impoverished and fragmented in the latter part of the 20th century.

In the early 1990’s images of poverty, starvation and violence flooded across billions of television sets worldwide as humanitarian relief missions struggled to deal with a vast army of doped up, gun-toting youths, looking for the enormous wealth associated with these humanitarian organisations.  The strongest or most vicious thrived at the expense of the weaker.  Relief workers were threatened or killed and aid shipments were taken by force.  Subsequently, the United Nations, led by the United States, committed troops to oversee the safety of workers and proper distribution of aid in December of 1992.

A change in the original UN mission, from humanitarian relief to nation building, culminated with an arrest warrant to capture those held responsible for the deaths of numerous peacekeeping troops.  The main enemy declared was the Habr Gadir clan chief, Mohammed Farah Aideed, the head of the Somali National Alliance and a very powerful Somali indeed.  Following the death of more American soldiers, the US dispatched a special operations force, Task Force Ranger, on August 26th, 1993.  Its sole purpose was to hunt down Mohammed Aideed and his top lieutenants.

Yet, in the late afternoon of October 3rd, 1993, members of this supreme force found themselves isolated deep in Aideed’s stronghold, with heavy casualties and two downed aircraft, fighting for their lives, surrounded by thousands of well armed and, for ever so brief a moment, united Somalis bent on dealing death.  Thousands of women, children and elderly added to the crucible of war as spectators or willing participants.  Burning tires and roadblocks spread throughout the city.

In the end, and after a tremendous fight, a much-maligned polyglot of mechanised infantry comprised of Malaysians, Pakistanis and regular American troops relieved the trapped special operations force.  

Detailed map of Mogadishu. The intricate and confusing patterns of the city’s grid are visible.

Detailed map of Mogadishu. The intricate and confusing patterns of the city’s grid are visible.

Aerial shot of Mogadishu.  In the foreground is the Task Force Ranger compound located at the airport.  Credit: Ranger Anton Berendsen

Aerial shot of Mogadishu.  In the foreground is the Task Force Ranger compound located at the airport.  Credit: Ranger Anton Berendsen


In order to appreciate the maligned regular infantryman and his unacknowledged accomplishment during the Battle of the Black Sea, we must first delve into the psyche of the American military elite and its symbol of excellence; the beret.  The beret, until the summer of 2001, was authorised to be worn only by very few units, all of which are airborne in nature.  The historically celebrated 82nd All American Airborne Division wears maroon, Special Forces are known throughout the world as the Green Berets and Army Rangers wore black berets until 2001 when they switched to tan, similar to the British Special Air Service.

            Most of these special soldiers complete arduous selection courses and subsequently view themselves better than the rest of the military, the so-called legs.  A leg then is a derogatory term used to describe any “high-drag, low-speed” non-airborne-qualified individual who somehow rather or another failed to measure up to the higher standards of the airborne soldier.  Never mind whether they attempted them or not, after all every soldier wants to be in special units.  Or so some elitists say.  An Army Ranger, for example, would not give the time of day to a “dirty, nasty, stinking leg” and often these disparate attitudes translate into animosity that either creates greater unit cohesion for some or further alienates an already divisive American military.  

Elite units also receive a larger budget for better training and superior equipment, contributing even further to the demise of the regular soldier’s reputation.  These lesser-trained legs then constitute the bulk of the modern United States Army.  And these very same men constituted the 10th Mountain Division that inexorably fought their way through Somali roadblocks and ambushes, died and killed, so that they could rescue their hard-pressed comrades from near certain disaster.

This article then is a paean to those under-appreciated legs that comprised elements of 10th Mountain Division’s Quick Reaction Force and their fight to glory alongside their Muslim brethren, the Pakistanis and Malaysians.


Somali Forces

            Somalia does not have a regular army.  Clans and their fighters rule their respective areas.

In late 1993 the UN no longer patrolled at night and the Somalis completely controlled all areas outside of the UN compounds at night.  The Bakara Market, Aideed’s stronghold, contained at least 2,500 experienced fighters within a supportive populace.  Standard weaponry included NATO and Soviet Block assault rifles, machineguns, rocket propelled grenades, mines, demolition, armed jeeps and even anti-aircraft systems.  Several hundred of these well-armed Somalis had recently returned to Mogadishu fresh from their training at Bin Laden sponsored guerrilla camps. Undoubtedly, instructions included the massing of RPG fire to shoot down helicopters as the Afghani Mujahideen had learnt fighting the Russians over the previous decade.  Any student of warfare would have looked to Vietnam for examples of downing American helicopters with small arms fire.  

Previous engagements against US and UN troops had shown the Somalis to be able to mass fighters relatively quickly, using high and low technology methods of communication such as hand-held radios, cell phones, tracer rounds, banging pipes or burning tires.  The low technology forms of communication rendered US electronic jamming useless during the battle.  Somalis were able to construct obstacles and barricades and place mines throughout main arteries of travel.  They were not impeded by vehicular movement at all and knew their turf very well.  Foreigners found the labyrinthine alleys and streets of Mogadishu confusing. 

Somali fighters were experienced, tough, well co-ordinated and on khat, a mild amphetamine.

United States Forces

Task Force Ranger (TFR):

TFR was composed of three main units.

Special Forces Operational Detachment – Delta (SFOD-D), Squadron C.  

Delta was founded in 1977 to conduct counter-terrorist special operations.  It is predominantly comprised of older soldiers from other special operations units such as Special Forces and Army Rangers.

160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne).  

This aerial unit was founded to support the needs of Army special operations in 1981.  Their ability to strike at night earned them the revered nickname “Night Stalkers.”  

75th Ranger Regiment – B Company, 3rd Battalion.  

Considered by many to be the best light infantry regiment in the world.  Most Rangers are in their late teens or early twenties.   

Task Force Ranger was the best-equipped and most well trained force in America’s arsenal.  Eight MH-60K Black Hawks, four MH-5 “Little Birds”, four AH-6J “Little Birds” (attack versions) plus support elements completed this 450 strong special operations force package.  These units participated in numerous post-Vietnam War operations and since arriving in Mogadishu, TFR had conducted six raids.

10TH Mountain Division

10th Mountain Division is currently headquartered in the unforgiving snow-covered terrain of northern New York State at Fort Drum.  The unit was founded as an elite ski troop during World War II and fought in southern Europe.  Their motto “climb to glory” would come to the forefront again during various operations throughout the world.  But nowhere was it more pressing or urgent to stay true to this motto and to climb over the obstacles than on October 3rd and 4th 1993. 

The soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment of the 10th Mountain Division, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel William David, had arrived in country on July 29, 1993 as part of the UN’s commitment to Somalia.  They, and several support units, had participated in five major operations before October 3rd , including several intense fire-fights.  On September 12, during a combat patrol to attack and seize two compounds thought to be weapons storage facilities, they were ambushed and in a fight for their lives.  Only with the help of Pakistani tanks and Cobra gunships from 10th Division’s aviation arm (TF 2-25) were they able to extricate.  Over one hundred Somalis were killed in that engagement.  On September 25, a TF 2-25 Black Hawk helicopter was shot down by Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG’s) resulting in one of the fiercest firefights for 2-14.

Allied Forces


The Pakistani contingent had been engaged in several firefights during their stay in Somalia and had suffered the largest UN casualties.  Units represented; 15 Frontier Force and 19 Lancers.  One tank platoon consisting of T-55’s was provided to the Americans.


Two mechanised companies of German Condors (armoured personnel carriers) totalling 28 vehicles from the Royal Malaysian Ranger Regiment participated in the relief effort.


It is important to note that training in Somalia was excellent for all American units, specifically 2-14 and the Rangers.  A document from the 75th Ranger Regiment indicates that Bravo Company conducted their best live fire training in Mogadishu and this from a unit that prides itself on realistic training methods.  Rangers and some elements of 2-14 had also trained together in Mogadishu in recent weeks.  10th Mountain Division personnel stated that they were well motivated, well trained and very efficient in urban mounted combat patrols since arriving in Somalia.  Certainly by the 3rd of October, 10th Mountain had seen its fair share of action and was competent in its missions.  On the job training, ranging from live fire exercises to real world combat patrolling had turned 2-14 into a solid light infantry battalion. 

Two Rangers from B/Co, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment pose in front of Little Birds.  Credit: Anton Berendsen

Two Rangers from B/Co, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment pose in front of Little Birds.  Credit: Anton Berendsen



            It was another warm afternoon in Mogadishu and the soldiers from 2-14 had been briefed that another raid, the seventh by TFR was in progress and they would as usual provide one company as a Quick Reaction Force (ORF) in the unlikely event that things did not work out.  The following blow-by-blow time line shows the myriad face of a well-executed raid that turned into a brutal brawl, all within a few short minutes.

1542    TFR assault teams conduct fast-rope raid near the Olympic Hotel.

1553    Ranger ground reaction force (GRF 1) under Ranger Commander Lieutenant-Colonel McKnight composed of nine Humvees (military jeep) and three five-ton trucks waits in a holding area to retrieve the assault element upon completion of the raid.

1558    The GRF 1 is attacked, losing one five-ton truck and getting one man injured.

1604    The raid is a success netting 24 detainees.  One Ranger is injured inserting near the hotel.

1613    GRF 1 arrives at consolidated objective

1620    Black Hawk shot down – Pilot Wolcott – Northern site.  GRF 1 loads detainees and injured Ranger on one five-ton truck to return to TFR compound with Humvee escort which it does under fire.  GRF 1 enroute to crash site.

1624    A Little Bird lands near crash site and rescues 2 wounded crewmen.

1628    Search and Rescue (SAR) team, fast ropes near crash site as TFR assault elements arrive at site simultaneously.

1628    10th Mountain Division’s QRF, one company (C/Co), directed to TFR compound.

1641    Second Black Hawk shot down – Pilot Durant – Southern site with eventual Delta sniper insertion from another helicopter.

1700    All TFR elements report heavy casualties including GRF 1.

1703    A Ranger force, GRF 2, with 27 soldiers including Ranger cooks departs TFR compound on 7 armoured Humvee and 2 five-ton trucks to secure Durant crash site.

1710-1724       QRF arrives at TFR compound.

1703-1740       GRF 2 fails on all three separate routes.  At the last route, north of K-4 circle, GRF 2 runs into shot up GRF 1 under Lt. Col. McKnight.  Joins forces, cross-loads wounded and destroys two disabled vehicles.  Returns to TFR compound.

160 SOAR Black Hawk and crew.Credit: Anton Berendsen

160 SOAR Black Hawk and crew.Credit: Anton Berendsen

Simple map illustrating the crash sites and main routes of travel.

Simple map illustrating the crash sites and main routes of travel.

Immediately following the crash of the first TFR Black Hawk, C/Co, the Quick Reaction Company (QRC), was called in at 1629 Hours.  One 2-14 officer recalled seeing the Ranger Liaison Officer attached to 10th Mountain’s Tactical Operations Center (TOC) at the University Compound monitoring the action on headphones “with a concerned look.”  Like other QRF missions, very little information was transmitted from Task Force Ranger to the unappreciated 10thMountain’s TOC.  

A rare photo taken of TF 2-25’ crashed Black Hawk.  The subsequent rescue led to one of the fiercest firefights until the rescue missions on October 3rd. Credit: Mark Jackson

A rare photo taken of TF 2-25’ crashed Black Hawk.  The subsequent rescue led to one of the fiercest firefights until the rescue missions on October 3rd. Credit: Mark Jackson

Colonel Lawrence Casper, the overall commander of 2-14 Infantry and their aviation brigade, Task Force 2-25, comprised of Cobras and Black Hawks, informed Lieutenant-Colonel David, that he and his company would fall under the operational control of Major General William Garrison, TFR’s commander.  Colonel Casper also ordered the convoy to travel on the longer but safer southern route to the TFR compound at the Mogadishu airport.

The QRC received a briefing, including the locations of the two crash sites, three miles away.  Their mission was to secure the second (southern) site.  Lt.Col. David devised a simple plan.  Travel northeast to the well-known K-4 traffic circle, then north on Via Lenin, east on National Street and finally, south on Hawlwadig Road.  At 1740 the convoy departed the TFR compound.  The QRC included several individuals from TFR, C Co, 2-14, one AT (anti-tank) Platoon, one squad from the 41st Engineers, one CA (Civil Affairs) team, one PSYOP (Psychological Operations) team plus Humvees and five-ton trucks,

Just north of K-4 and with two miles to go, the convoy ran into a roadblock at Via Lenin and was ambushed.  The Somalis unleashed a storm of steel, including 300 plus rounds of RPGs.  At about the same time, TFR’s shot up ground convoy from the raid under Colonel McKnight zipped by, still hounded by Somali gunfire.  Unable to punch through the lines, with communications problems and air assets taking fire at the UN controlled New Port, the 10th Mountain Division convoy was finally ordered to return at 1821.  But the confines of the narrow streets and the continuous firing required 20 minutes for the vehicles to make U-turns and successfully egress.  Soldiers had dismounted to cover the withdrawal. During the rearguard engagement First Sergeant Gary Doody and Private First Class Eugene Pamer, of 2-14, received Silver Stars for their actions.

The QRC’s withdrawal was nearly overcome by panic where it not for some individual acts of courage and professionalism.  Some vehicles tried to out run slower ones and the convoy scattered.  Once away from the fight and a few hundred yards south of K-4, near squatters’ tents made up of mostly garbage, the convoy reformed and accounted for personnel.  A single shot or two from the shanty town led to a short-lived massive volley from the convoy tearing the tents and some of its residents into confetti. 

Units from 10th Mountain Division patrolling a heavy populated street in Mogadishu.  Credit: Mark Jackson

Units from 10th Mountain Division patrolling a heavy populated street in Mogadishu.  Credit: Mark Jackson

The defeated, scared and angry convoy pulled into the Mogadishu airport a short while later.

By 2030 Hours, Alpha Company, 2-14, plus support arrived at the TFR airport, still not knowing the details of the current situation.  Finally briefed, all personnel were aware of the precarious situation of the heavily engaged special forces at the crash sites and the danger of them being overrun.

Major General Thomas Montgomery, the overall commander of all US forces in Somalia and the deputy commander of all UN troops, requested armour and received positive responses from the Italian, Pakistani and Malaysian contingents.  The Italians, however, were too far away and distrusted by the US special operations forces (SOF) who claimed that Italians paid off Somali clans and gave away intelligence.  The Pakistanis in their antiquated T-55 tanks and the Malaysians’ Condors provided the necessary shields and punching power.  

Brigadier General Greg Gile of 10th Mountain was appointed to take charge of the operation.  At this point there seemingly were more senior officers than actual combatants.  They included Colonel Casper of the QRF, Major General Garrison of TFR, Gile of 10th Mountain, and Major General Montgomery overall Commander.



The Americans moved to the new staging areas at New Port and linked up with the Pakistani and Malaysian units.  Plans were made and changed again, ammunition and other vital materiel loaded to the best of everyone’s capabilities and limitations.  Lieutenant Colonel Bill David would lead his polyglot army into the heart of Mogadishu.  English, Pashto, Punjabi, Malay, Chinese and hand and arms signals, coupled with varying abilities and desires had to become a single purpose machine of war and salvation for others.  Basic ammunition loads were doubled for the infantry.  There would be no turning back.

A 10th M.D. roadblock.  This photo gives a good eye level view of the Mogadishu street maze. Credit: Mark Jackson

A 10th M.D. roadblock.  This photo gives a good eye level view of the Mogadishu street maze. Credit: Mark Jackson

Until then, several separate attempts had been successfully thwarted by the battle hardened Somalis using nothing more than roadblocks, massed small arms fire, RPGs, mortars and the occasional anti aircraft gun.  Elements of Task Force Ranger had failed on three separate routes taken and finally, so had Lt.Col. David’s C/ Company.  

Hours had gone by and the situations at the crash sites were desperate.  Only the absolute professionalism of the Night Stalkers and their combined acts of unbelievable heroism had prevented complete annihilation of the small task force in Aideed’s stronghold near the Bakara Market.  For example, one Little Bird landed in a tight alley.  The pilot fired his personnel weapon while controlling the aircraft as his co-pilot rescued several crew members of a downed Black Hawk.  

Frustrations were vented.  Questions were asked and accusations abounded about the lack of a timely rescue. Certainly they complained, the incompetent 10th Mountain Division was to blame.  But what of the three failed attempts?

A typical sandbag reinforced five-ton truck.  The truck offered no protection from small arms fire and RPG rounds. Credit: Mark Jackson

A typical sandbag reinforced five-ton truck.  The truck offered no protection from small arms fire and RPG rounds. Credit: Mark Jackson

 Based upon the Pakistanis’ experience and US aerial reconnaissance, the attack was to be made from a north-eastern direction via Jen Daanud to National Street, then south-west on National to Hawlwadig to the Olympic Hotel where A/Co and C/Co would separate into two units.  Each company would break through to their crash site and link-up with elements of TFR, then rejoin the main column and finally punch their way through to the Mogadishu airfield.  Lt. Col. David’s TOC, the reconstituted Ranger ground reaction force and other support units would form a holding area for casualty collection and secure the exfiltration route through National Street.  Aerial attacks were co-ordinated between the seasoned AH-1F Cobras of the QRF’s Task Force 2-25 and 160 SOAR. 

By 2210 it seemed things were ready to roll.  The convoy would move out by 2300.  It had been well over five hours since 10th Mountain Division first responded with Charlie Company.  Although some criticism may have been deserved, it should be noted that 10th Mountain did not have armour.  They, much like the 75th Ranger Regiment were a light infantry unit and unfamiliar with mechanised units.  The Malaysian soldiers had to physically demonstrate the simplest of tasks to the American light infantrymen. Nonetheless, few people appreciated the communications difficulties to not only co-ordinate a plan, but to implement and actually execute it with so many foreign counterparts.  Yes, some of the Pakistanis and Malaysians spoke English and yes, the US had liaison officers, but relaying information up and down the several chains of command and receiving at least one change to the original plan from TFR’s TOC only added to the confusion.  And, while all plans were forged, there was still the problem of supporting the trapped SOF unit and trying to find out about the unaccounted for personnel at the second (Durant) crash site.

October 3rd.  A squad of the QRF moves to a staging area for assembly. Credit: Mark Jackson

October 3rd.  A squad of the QRF moves to a staging area for assembly. Credit: Mark Jackson

There were also cultural problems.  US troops are more inclined to fight at night given their technological superiority and their western way of war (I no longer believe in culture-type warfare argued by Keegan back in the day). Their UN counterparts were not as well equipped and not as culturally inclined to close with the enemy (I no longer believe in culture-type warfare argued by Keegan back in the day).  The Pakistanis had taken some serious casualties over the past few months.  The Malaysians were not too keen to expose their thin-skinned APC’s to accurate and devastating RPG fire.  And UN troops had to deal with their own chains of command as well.  We can easily see why it took longer to launch the relief than originally anticipated.  No matter one’s opinion on the timeliness of the matter, one military truism was, is and will be certain: proper planning prevents piss poor performance.  And the Americans certainly had not planned their initial relief efforts well.  

As events progressed, the Pakistani higher command demanded a change in the order of movement and the plan.  After several sharp exchanges between the Americans and the Pakistani tank commanders, a platoon from A/Co. 2-14, in Condors would lead the charge and the tanks could only advance half way.  Credit should be given here to the Pakistani tank commanders as they supported the effort to a greater degree than approved by their higher command.

Bravo Company, 2-14th Infantry remained at the docks at New Port as a possible helicopter reserve. 

Finally, at 2323 Hours, about seven hours after the downing of the first Black Hawk the 2-mile long convoy departed.  The final task organisation under Lieutenant Colonel Bill David’s command was as follows:

A/Co, 2-14, one Malaysian APC Company, 3rd Platoon from C/Co, 1st Battalion, 87th Infantry and one squad from the 41st Engineers,10th Mountain Division [Crash site 1, North, Wolcott].

C/Co, 2-14, one Malaysian APC Company, one AT Platoon, and one squad from 41st Engineers [Crash site 2, South, Durant].

Additionally, one Pakistani Tank Platoon (four T-55’s), Scout Platoon, 2-14, and a TFR element comprised of Delta, Rangers, Navy SEALs and others [secure holding area and egress route].

This is the shantytown days before it was completely devastated by C/Co, 2-14 after the first failed rescue attempt on October 3rd. Credit: Mark Jackson

This is the shantytown days before it was completely devastated by C/Co, 2-14 after the first failed rescue attempt on October 3rd. Credit: Mark Jackson

The column came under some immediate light attacks but continued its movement.  It stretched and collapsed like an accordion.  Communication between the various 10th Mountain squads was bad due to several factors.  First, the radios could not function properly as the walls of the Condors prevented solid transmission.  Secondly, there was no radio communication with the Malaysian drivers, and the subsequent deafening gun battles would require physical contact with the vehicle commanders in order to affect any kind of control.  Leaders during the battle would have to bang on the vehicles and direct them on many occasions.  Often these efforts proved futile.

At 2350 the Pakistanis stopped as the convoy reached National Street.  Ten minutes later and 3/4 of a mile away from their target, the convoy entered Aideed’s area of control and was immediately ambushed but staggered on.  Alpha Company’s commander Captain Drew Meyerowich had to cope with two stray Condors.  However, the column pressed on, no matter what like an unstoppable juggernaut. 

The two isolated vehicles were attacked near the southern crash site.  Both Condors were destroyed, resulting in the death and injury of Malaysian soldiers.  The squad and an engineer team under Lieutenant Mark Hollis dismounted and blew a hole through a wall to enter the relative safety of a courtyard.  This group would eventually be rescued by Charlie Company.

After a Pakistani tank was rocked by seven or eight rocket propelled grenades, the main column was forced to stop yet again and it took some time for an American officer to get the tank to continue its movement.  Eventually, the holding area on National Street was secured and the companies separated as planned.

Whetstone’s Charlie Company located the southern site but found nothing there.  Thermite grenades were used to destroy the Black Hawk.  House-to-house fighting for the next 2 hours, aided by Cobras from 2-25, eventually enabled them to link up with Hollis’ lost patrol and return to UN controlled areas.

Meanwhile, Alpha Company, minus the lost squad of 2ndPlatoon, now in the lead, moved to the first crash site where TFR had also been engaged in severe and chaotic firefights.  The white painted Condors were an easy target and hit repeatedly.  Some drivers failed to respond when given directions, requiring more time and spreading the units out even further.  The massed fire from the Somalis made it difficult to advance in an orderly fashion and the fog of war was thick.  Often a Humvee would have to bypass a reluctant Condor and engage targets.  The Malaysians were concerned about their lost comrades and not too anxious to get destroyed by RPG fire.

Link-up was conducted at 0155 Hours, October 4th when one of the 10th Mountain troopers spotted TFR’s strobe lights through his AN/PVS 7B night vision.  An officer recalls the link-up with clarity:

The situation on the objective was well under control.  The TFR soldiers were consolidated in two or three buildings with security.  The Special Operations soldiers were understandably tired and short of water and ammunition.  They seemed happy to see us, and we were happy to see them as well.

The Pakistani Soccer Stadium in the early morning of October 4th. In the background are the Malaysian Condors so crucial to the final charge. Credit: Mark Jackson

The Pakistani Soccer Stadium in the early morning of October 4th. In the background are the Malaysian Condors so crucial to the final charge. Credit: Mark Jackson

Of course it sounds easier than it was.  The firefights, darkness and confusing alleys, the lack of direct communications with anyone at the crash site, required a communication chain from the lead platoon, to their Company Commander to their Battalion TOC, Lt.Col. David, who in turn contacted the isolated special forces through his own TFR liaison officer.  Not really the best way to conduct a rather complex link-up between friendly forces at night, while under fire, with units spread over many blocks.  

Another factor that bears consideration; the entire time this relief effort was underway, a constant stream of communications bounced back and forth between all parties involved.  For example, around 0225 Colonel Gasper ordered the relief column to a Pakistani held stadium instead of withdrawing to the airport.  This information needed to be ultimately disseminated to the lowest level.

A close up of the Condor armored personnel carrier. Credit: Mark Jackson

A close up of the Condor armored personnel carrier. Credit: Mark Jackson

A Medevac flight out of the stadium.  The triage area is off to the right. Credit: Mark Jackson

A Medevac flight out of the stadium.  The triage area is off to the right. Credit: Mark Jackson

It took many more hours to free the trapped body of one of the pilots at the northern site, all while under sporadic attacks, including Somali mortars.  One 10th Mountain officer recalled a helicopter firing at enemy forces and buildings as close as 35 meters from his position, showering them with brass.  His honesty is rather remarkable: “I told the officer controlling the air strike to warn us next time.  I had never been so close to an air strike, and we were plenty scared.  For the next several hours, aircraft continued to fire all around our position 35 to 50 meters from us.”

At 0530 Hours the convoy pulled out, back the way they came, to the BN TOC and casualty collection area on National Street, all the while receiving air support.  The convoy snaked throughout the war torn and shredded streets of Mogadishu, forcing some soldiers, including many wounded from TFR, to run alongside the convoy or attempt to catch up. 

Exhausted soldiers from 10th Mountain crash on their Humvees. Credit: Mark Jackson

Exhausted soldiers from 10th Mountain crash on their Humvees. Credit: Mark Jackson

The Somalis knew this was their last chance, and the fighting stiffened once again.  Condors and Humvees fired on 2nd and 3rd story buildings, while the grunts were spraying and targeting all alleyways, windows, doors and anything that moved.  Many vehicles sped up, isolating more soldiers.   In the end, all were accounted for and loaded in or on top of various vehicles.  They headed straight for the Pakistani controlled soccer stadium without much order.  Cobras destroyed any and all abandoned APC’s.  

The mission was a success for the Quick Reaction Force.  10th Mountain Division co-ordinated with UN troops and special operations forces to rescue a trapped American unit in the heartland of a “bad guy.”  

The Mountain Division had two soldiers killed in action:  Private First Class James Martin and Sergeant Cornell Houston.  The Malaysians reported one death.  Task Force Ranger suffered 16 fatalities.  The Somalis suffered disproportionately; estimates range between 3-400 killed (some estimates went as high as 1000 deaths) with approximately 1000 wounded. 

SPC Fullgraff (Right) and SPC Wontkowski (Left) display the uniform and ammo clip of SPC Fullgraff worn during the firefight. According to Fullgraff, a round struck his magazine sending shrapnel into his lower arm, then entered and exited through his upper arm. The 10th MD patch is clearly visible. Credit: Mark Jackson

SPC Fullgraff (Right) and SPC Wontkowski (Left) display the uniform and ammo clip of SPC Fullgraff worn during the firefight. According to Fullgraff, a round struck his magazine sending shrapnel into his lower arm, then entered and exited through his upper arm. The 10th MD patch is clearly visible. Credit: Mark Jackson

But the ratio of deaths is completely irrelevant and should never be a measuring stick of success.  The initial raid by TFR was successful and the final charge of the 10th Mountain Division saved the day.  Moreover, was it really a charge?  The omniscient Prussian military warrior-scholar Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) was right when he wrote on the friction of war: “everything in war is very simple, but the simplest thing is difficult.”  The last charge at Mogadishu then was more or less a slow and inexorable climb to glory.  The 10th Mountain Division had stayed true to their motto.

In the war against terrorism, we may find ourselves in similar circumstances.  A special operation’s raid against well-trained and highly motivated individuals can easily require the additional manpower of regular troops.  The Battle of the Black Sea serves as a reminder to future special operations that they may very well have to depend on those legs to sustain a prolonged encounter.  It behoves all to remember that at the end of the day, no matter the status of the units fighting, it is the soldier that must stand his ground and do or die. 

1st Platoon, Charlie Company, 41st Engineers, 10th MDThis photo was taken the day before departure from Somalia (16 Dec 1993).Top to bottom, Left to Right.1st Row ( 3rd Squad ) SGT Ledesma, PV2 Asbury, PV2 Nunez, PV2 Neil, PV2 Little, SPC …

1st Platoon, Charlie Company, 41st Engineers, 10th MD

This photo was taken the day before departure from Somalia (16 Dec 1993).

Top to bottom, Left to Right.

1st Row ( 3rd Squad ) SGT Ledesma, PV2 Asbury, PV2 Nunez, PV2 Neil, PV2 Little, SPC Jackson (me), SGT Durrante, SGT McMahon

2nd Row ( 2nd Squad ) SSG Linzan, PV2 Henderson, PV2 Tapscott, PV2 Wilkerson, PFC Dishman, SPC Scarzella, SGT Thiele

3rd Row ( 1st Squad ) SGT McCue, Pv2 Wind, SPC Fullgraff, SPC Wontkowski, PV2 Lea, SGT Hegy, PV2 Franco

4th Row 1LT Nelson, SFC Blaylock

Not Pictured

PV2 Ly - Wounded in action 10/04/94

SSG Maxwell - Wounded in action 10/04/94

SGT Houston - Wounded in action 10/04/94, Died of injuries 10/06/94

SPC Lepre

SPC Rodriguez.

Credit: Mark Jackson

Additional reading:

Bolger, Daniel P., Death Ground: Today’s American Infantry in Battle, Presidio Press, Novato, 1990.

Bowden, Mark, Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War, Atlantic Monthly Press, New York, 1999.

Hackworth, David H., Hazardous Duty, William Morrow, New York, 1996.

Clausewitz, Carl von, On War, translated by Michael Howard and Peter Paret, Princeton University Press, New jersey, 1984.

DeLong, Kent and Steven Tuckey, Mogadishu!  Heroism and Tragedy,  Praeger Publishers, Conneticut, 1994.

Stanton, Martin, Somalia on $5.00 a Day, Presidio Press, Novato, 2001.

Copyright: Mir Bahmanyar/Osprey Publishing


KSK and Navy SEALs Afghanistan early during Operation Enduring Freedom Picture Gallery

Some pictures of German Navy SEALs (KSK) operating alongside US Navy SEALs. Some of the photos can be found in the SEAL book Chris Osman (USMC/SEAL) and I wrote in 2008 about the Teams in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as other theaters of operations. I think it was one of the first books to cover the platoons in the Forever Wars that wasn’t a memoir.


Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. This is a picture of all of the weapons and ammunition that we collected during the raid.  all of it was taken down to the bottom of the hill via a small access road.  It was blown in place by the…

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. This is a picture of all of the weapons and ammunition that we collected during the raid.  all of it was taken down to the bottom of the hill via a small access road.  It was blown in place by the Navy EOD personnel who were assigned to Echo Platoon.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village.  Box of linked ammunition and hand grenades found by the KSK while raiding the target. Fuses for the grenades are wrapped up in the paper with the red string.  these were destroyed after the raid …

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village.  Box of linked ammunition and hand grenades found by the KSK while raiding the target. Fuses for the grenades are wrapped up in the paper with the red string.  these were destroyed after the raid on the target village.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Two story house located inside the village area.  After the village was cleared teams of 2 personnel were posted all over the village to include the roof tops for added security.  the sun is just …

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Two story house located inside the village area.  After the village was cleared teams of 2 personnel were posted all over the village to include the roof tops for added security.  the sun is just starting to come up so some small fires were made to stay warm.  Near the door you will notice the German's ruck sack.  After Zarwar Kili operation we took our rucks on every mission so we could have extra supplies.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Three story main house. This was the main focus of the KSK when the raid started. This is the back side of the target building. in the lower left corner you can see 2 KSK operators on guard duty as the sun comes up.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Three story main house. This was the main focus of the KSK when the raid started. This is the back side of the target building. in the lower left corner you can see 2 KSK operators on guard duty as the sun comes up.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Side of one of the target buildings.  There is a small walk way in the center.  This is the main walk way that splits the 2 separate 3 story buildings.  These structures were very well m…

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Side of one of the target buildings.  There is a small walk way in the center.  This is the main walk way that splits the 2 separate 3 story buildings.  These structures were very well made and very strong.  Amazingly it was all made with mud and wood beam.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Side of a 3 story building. KSK operator walking thru village after the raid. Notice his HK rifle has an EOTECH sight. At the time the SEAL teams had never heard of this type of sight. 7 years later it is the issued …

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Side of a 3 story building. KSK operator walking thru village after the raid. Notice his HK rifle has an EOTECH sight. At the time the SEAL teams had never heard of this type of sight. 7 years later it is the issued sight for Navy SEAL teams along with Aimpoint sights.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Roof top of one of the target buildings.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Roof top of one of the target buildings.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Some of the weapons that were captured. All were Soviet made except the villagers’ shotguns.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Some of the weapons that were captured. All were Soviet made except the villagers’ shotguns.

Target AQ050A Ahmed Kheyl Cave Complex.   German operators relaxing after coming back from 1 thousand meter climb up to the target caves.  This is the building where the Navy SEALs and KSK met with the Anti Taliban Force (AT…

Target AQ050A Ahmed Kheyl Cave Complex.   German operators relaxing after coming back from 1 thousand meter climb up to the target caves.  This is the building where the Navy SEALs and KSK met with the Anti Taliban Force (ATF).  Notice the radio on the table in the center of the picture.  this is what the ATF commander used to communicate with his troops in the area.

German KSK stop a local "Jingle" truck and prevented it from entering a safe area around our compound after a target raid. The operators made the locals lift the hood to search for explosives. after searching the rest of the truck.

German KSK stop a local "Jingle" truck and prevented it from entering a safe area around our compound after a target raid. The operators made the locals lift the hood to search for explosives. after searching the rest of the truck.

Picture of a villagers shotgun on top of a mine/Bobbie trap making chart. Printed on cloth can be easily rolled or folded. Very easy to hide and because it is not made of paper can not easily be destroyed by the environment.

Picture of a villagers shotgun on top of a mine/Bobbie trap making chart. Printed on cloth can be easily rolled or folded. Very easy to hide and because it is not made of paper can not easily be destroyed by the environment.

Center compound of the main target building KSK raided. Door in the center is the main entrance of the target. Pile of weapons were later destroyed.

Center compound of the main target building KSK raided. Door in the center is the main entrance of the target. Pile of weapons were later destroyed.

Photo of one of the 2 story structures in target compound.

Photo of one of the 2 story structures in target compound.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. 2 Navy support personnel. These 2 men are not Navy SEALs. They are watching the German and Navy blow up the weapons,grenades and mines captured during the raid.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. 2 Navy support personnel. These 2 men are not Navy SEALs. They are watching the German and Navy blow up the weapons,grenades and mines captured during the raid.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. German KSK bringing out captured weapons into the center of the targets compound.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. German KSK bringing out captured weapons into the center of the targets compound.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Captured mortar found by German KSK during the raid.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Captured mortar found by German KSK during the raid.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. KSK after the raid. picture was taken while weapons were being brought out to the center of the compound.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. KSK after the raid. picture was taken while weapons were being brought out to the center of the compound.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Navy EOD and German KSK are capping into explosives getting ready to start time fuse. This is the pile of weapons, mortars, ammunition, mines, and grenades found at the target village.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Navy EOD and German KSK are capping into explosives getting ready to start time fuse. This is the pile of weapons, mortars, ammunition, mines, and grenades found at the target village.

Target AQ050A Ahmed Kheyl Cave Complex. Navy SEALs and German KSK searching caves at 11 thousand feet. The caves were empty but very well made. All cave entrances were marked via GPS and later destroyed by air strikes.

Target AQ050A Ahmed Kheyl Cave Complex. Navy SEALs and German KSK searching caves at 11 thousand feet. The caves were empty but very well made. All cave entrances were marked via GPS and later destroyed by air strikes.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Navy EOD is preparing charges for the destruction of captured weapons and munitions.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Navy EOD is preparing charges for the destruction of captured weapons and munitions.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. German KSK stand guard on local villagers. The villagers loaded their mules and under guard took all weapons and munitions to the bottom of the hill where they were blown up.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. German KSK stand guard on local villagers. The villagers loaded their mules and under guard took all weapons and munitions to the bottom of the hill where they were blown up.

KSK watches over village elder after being searched and cut loose. This is the village chief whom in the past fought against the Soviets as a Mujaheddin.

KSK watches over village elder after being searched and cut loose. This is the village chief whom in the past fought against the Soviets as a Mujaheddin.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Roof top of one of the target houses.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. Roof top of one of the target houses.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. KSK after raid on target. One of the operators is carrying a hooligan tool used for breaching locked doors.

Target AQ036 Prata Ghar Village. KSK after raid on target. One of the operators is carrying a hooligan tool used for breaching locked doors.

Navy SEALs and German KSK loaded onto a C-17 cargo plane getting ready to leave Bagram airbase and return to Kandahar Airport.

Navy SEALs and German KSK loaded onto a C-17 cargo plane getting ready to leave Bagram airbase and return to Kandahar Airport.

Navy SEAL platoon leader.

Navy SEAL platoon leader.

Navy interpreter talking to local villagers and verifying identities.

Navy interpreter talking to local villagers and verifying identities.

KSK Unit commander

KSK Unit commander

Target AQ049D Ali Kheyl Taghowstay compound. Navy SEALs and German KSK leave villagers behind as they head to their extract point.

Target AQ049D Ali Kheyl Taghowstay compound. Navy SEALs and German KSK leave villagers behind as they head to their extract point.

Target AQ049D Ali Kheyl Taghowstay compound.  SEALs and German KSK arrive at extract site.  Troops waited until night fall to be extracted by Air force helicopters. 

Target AQ049D Ali Kheyl Taghowstay compound.  SEALs and German KSK arrive at extract site.  Troops waited until night fall to be extracted by Air force helicopters. 

Target AQ049D Ali Kheyl Taghowstay compound. Just before extract Camels wandered into the extract site. SEALs chase them off so the helicopters can be cleared to come in for extract.

Target AQ049D Ali Kheyl Taghowstay compound. Just before extract Camels wandered into the extract site. SEALs chase them off so the helicopters can be cleared to come in for extract.

Target AQ049D Ali Kheyl Taghowstay compound. SEAL watches as camels go by just before extract.

Target AQ049D Ali Kheyl Taghowstay compound. SEAL watches as camels go by just before extract.

ON the Battle of Zama - Locations and Pre-combat Positions, October 202 BC

A great primer on the Second Punic Wars and the last battle pitting Hannibal versus Scipio in North Africa. You can order from the publisher directly:


The strategic situation of the western Mediterranean by 205 bc was clear cut: Rome had contained Hannibal in the Italian peninsula, driven the Carthaginians out of Iberia and now controlled Sardinia, Corsica and, most importantly, Sicily. The original vision of the elder Scipio – to take the war to the enemy – could now be realised. 

Scipio had been granted permission by the Roman senate to take volunteers and penal legions and mould them into an invasion force based in Sicily. He took his time to recruit and train enough men, to have a logistical system in place and gather enough intelligence while firming up his alliance with Masinissa. Perhaps he knew that invading North Africa would force Hannibal to leave Italy forever and banish the ‘scourge of Rome’ once and for all. 


The location of the battle of Zama has not yet been identified. No archaeological evidence exists to confirm any of the proposed sites, and conflicting ancient sources only add to the confusion. Livy’s comments on the location of the battle are as follows: 

Scipio took up his position not far from the city of Naragarra on ground which, in addition to other advantages, afforded a supply of water within range of missiles from the Roman lines. Hannibal selected some rising ground about four miles [6.5km] away, a safe and advantageous position, except that water had to be obtained from a distance. A spot was selected [for the meeting between Hannibal and Scipio] midway between the camps, which, to prevent any possibility of treachery, afforded a view on all sides. (Livy 30.29) 

The historians Gilbert and Colette Picard identify the location as not far from ‘Zama, the Massylian capital, probably in the plain of Siliana, where the road from Hadrumetum (Sousse) to Sicca (El Kef) crossed at a road leading directly from Carthage along the valley of Wadi Miliana’ (Picard and Picard, 1987, p. 265). Lazenby (1998, p. 218) believes it to have been fought near the town of El Kef (ancient Sicca Veneria), 

and places Seba Biar about 13km west of Zanfour. He writes that the battle was fought some distance from there, however, and about 5km from Scipio’s camp. The location of Scipio’s encampment is the key to placing the battlefield. Lazenby believes Naraggarra is too hilly and that Livy may have assimilated Naraggara and Margaron. However, the plain of Draa el Meinan (or Metnam), just south of the modern road P5 from Sidi Youssef to El Kef – about 27km from Sidi Youssef, and near the juncture with the road from Kasserine to El Kef – was suitable for accommodating large armies, in his view (Lazenby, 1998, p. 218.)

Hoyos arrives at a different conclusion:

[Hannibal’s] march went by Zama, one of several towns so named in the hinterland: probably the one later called Zama Regia (today a site called Seba Biar, fifteen miles south-east of El Kef). Zama, though only an encampment on the march, gave its name to the battle through a careless mistake by his biographer Nepos two centuries later. (Dexter, 2008, p. 107)

The German historian Johannes Kromayer and Austrian artillery officer Georg Veith expended considerable energy examining the various theories regarding the location of the battlefield. Their conclusion – accepted by many modern scholars – is that Scipio established his camp, or position, near Margaron (Henchir el Chemmam) and more precisely in the direction of the Sicca Veneria–Naraggara route west towards Numidia. Hannibal, they conclude, left Hadrumetum and force-marched his army either via Sidi Abd el Djedidi or Kairouan until he reached Zama (Seba Biar). Here, they argue, Hannibal sent out reconnoitering parties and subsequently moved toward Scipio’s consular army. The two armies probably faced one another across the plain of Draa el Meinan. Scipio’s camp was therefore located on the hill called Koudiat el Beheima, which also had access to water from the stream called Qued Ras el Ogla. Hannibal established his camp about 5.5km away on the waterless hill known as Koudiat Bongrine (Kromayer and Veith, 1903, p. 38)

Kromayer Narraggara Zama Battle.jpg



The first line and elephants (c.10,000–12,000)

A large number of elephants were lined up in front of Hannibal’s infantry. The elephants were small and without towers.

Alongside the elephants were skirmishers from Hannibal’s first line composed of light and line infantry mercenaries. Their purpose was to protect the elephants against velites and to exploit any gaps the elephants might create. The rest of the first rank would be close by to join the penetration and provide protection for the skirmishers once the hastati advanced and clashed with the spearmen of the first line. 

The second line (c. 10,000–12,000)

Composed of Carthaginian citizen volunteers and conscripts, as well as Liby-Phoenician spearmen. 

The third line (c. 8,000)

The ‘old guard’ comprised Bruttian swordsmen and other veteran campaigners knowledgable in the martial arts of the Roman soldier. 

The left cavalry wing (Tychaeus)

2,000 Numidian horsemen.

The right cavalry wing 

Between 1,600 and 2,000 Carthaginian horse.


Roman legions V and VI

These legions, together with two allied ones, occupied the centre of the Roman line. 

Velites to the front as skirmishers (c.4,800). Their primary purpose was to eliminate the elephant threat.

Hastati in the front line (c.4,800).

Principes in the second line (c.4,800). Possiblly used to reinforce the front line and as a manoevre element when required.

Triarii in the third line (c.2,400). The last line of defence or a manoevre element during the climax of the battle.

Numidian infantry (c. 6,000)

The Numidian light and line infantry was positioned to the right of the legions. Some may have supported the cavalry. Appian tells us they suffered more casualties (4,000, including 2,500 dead) than the Romans.

Numidian cavalry (Masinissa)

The Numidian cavalry under Masinissa anchored the far right of the Roman army, with 4,000–6,000 horsemen.

Roman and allied cavalry (Laelius)

Laelius’s cavalry was on the far right (1,600–2,400 horesemen). They may have been supported by 1,600 Numidians led by Prince Dacamas.


The opposing armies marched out at daybreak ready to give battle. The opposing Numidian cavalry forces engaged first and skirmished for a while before Hannibal ordered the advance of his elephants. Some of the young and untrained elephants became unmanageable, fleeing headlong into the Carthaginian and Numidian lines. At this point, Massinissa seized the opportunity to drive off Hannibal’s loyal Numdians.


1.  Numidian cavalry and light foot under Masinissa (4,000–6,000)

2. Numidian infantry (6,000)

3.  Allied Legion I

4. Roman Legion V

5.  Roman Legion VI

6. Allied Legion II

7.  Roman and allied cavalry under Laelius (1,600–2,400)

8. Numidian cavalry under Prince Dacamas (1,600)


A. Numidian cavalry under Tychaeus (2,000)

B. Hannibal’s veterans (6,000–8,000)

C. Libyan and Carthaginian infantry (Macedonians) (8,000–10,000)

D. Ligurian and Celtic mercenaries

E. Skirmishers and mercenaries (10,000–12,000)

F. Elephants (80)

G. Carthaginian cavalry (1,600–2,000)


1.                               Hannibal’s elephants hit the main Roman battle line. 

2.                               Polybius writes: ‘But as they heard the horns and trumpets braying all around them, some of the elephants became unmanageable and rushed back upon the Numidian contingents of the Carthaginian army.’

3.                               The fleeing elephants allow Masinissa to advance quickly and deprive the Carthaginian left wing of its cavalry support.

4.                               The remaining elephants charge the Roman velites in the spaces between the maniples of the line. Although they inflict much damage on the enemy, they suffer heavily themselves. Some of the frightened elephants flee between the vacant spaces in the Roman lines, ‘the Romans letting them pass harmlessly along, according to Scipio’s orders.’

5.                               Other elephants flee to the right under a shower of missiles from the Roman and allied cavalry, until finally being driven clear from the field. 

6.                               As the elephants stampede, Laelius and Prince Dacamas advance, and force the Carthaginian cavalry into headlong flight. Masinissa joins in the pursuit on the Roman right flank. 


On CSM Pat Tadina Ranger God RIP May 29, 2020

Command Sergeant Major Patrick “Tad” Gavin Tadina, 77, died on Friday, May 29, 2020. 

Bummer. I have known Pat for a long time, late 1990s, and we met occasionally in LA. I always thought his life would make a great film. We met with actor Mark Dacascos (Iron Chef, John Wick 3), similar ethnic background, but were never able to get anyone interested. That’s Hollywood. But the dude is a legend. You look at the films that have been made since GWOT, like Lone Survivor and American Sniper, and he puts those guys in their place by a gazillion miles. Pat was a genuine goddamned war hero. You’ll see why.

CSm Tad.jpg

Pat was raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, and from what I remember him telling me, he was of Filipino-Chinese-German-Irish-Hawaiian decent or some exotic cocktail mix like that. He said he was a young drug runner of sorts always bordering on jail time. Supposedly he was offered prison or the military. Thirty years later Tad retired as a Command Sergeant Major.

Pat was about five foot five and probably weighed less than one of my Akitas – figure maybe 125 or so. The man was tiny but Jesus Christ did he scare the crap out of me when we first met at Benning or Bragg – I cannot recall. I am still laughing about that. Pat had those hard-core killer eyes people get once they have been in the shit. Rambo he wasn’t, nope, he was the real deal – someone - American war lore ought to hold in its highest esteem. The man was a bona fide warrior-hero.

Tad dog.jpg

He forged his reputation on the battlefields of Vietnam with the 173rd Airborne Brigade’s Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP), 74th Infantry Detachment Long Range Patrol (LRP) and November Company, 75th Rangers for over 5 years straight, as a team leader. You know, small four to six-man teams operating behind enemy lines with hundreds of patrols under his belt. He personally killed around 130 men – he did not like the killing but… - and probably was responsible for the deaths of maybe high hundreds if not thousands more by calling in arty and air strikes on enemy forces they had bumped into. Legendary stuff. Think about it – small teams deep in enemy territory depending on a few true Rangers. 

BUT WHAT SET HIM APART was that he served five consecutive years in combat and never had one of his Rangers get killed! Think about that. Sixty months of continuous service. He was wounded three times. Not one comrade killed. He is loved by those who served with him. I mean loved.

His brother died in Nam in a mech unit I think. He returned home for the funeral and was arrested as he tried to get back to the war because he was the sole male survivor of the family, and mom wanted him to stay at home. He escaped to rejoin his men facing combat. Hahaha.

“His small stature and dark complexion helped him pass for a Viet Cong soldier on patrols deep into the Central Highlands, during which he preferred to be in the point position. His citations describe him walking to within feet of enemies he knew to be lying in wait for him and leading a pursuing enemy patrol into an ambush set by his team.”

Copyright: Catherine Poeschl

Copyright: Catherine Poeschl

Another story I was told by his comrade and good friend Roy Boatman (also deceased, also Ranger/SF in Nam) was that Tad infiltrated an enemy hospital to free a POW. He killed a guard with a silenced .22 but found the hospital deserted. Talk about balls and trade craft. 

He is rightly a legend within the Ranger community.

Tadina joined the Army in 1962 and served in the Dominican Republic before going to Southeast Asia. He served with the 82nd Airborne Division in Grenada during Operation Urgent Fury in 1983, and with the 1stInfantry Division during Operation Desert Storm in 1991. He retired in 1992 as a CSM and worked as a private contractor and trainer for Air Marshalls, and had deployments to Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.

Two Nam vets and former comrades doing their thing…

Two Nam vets and former comrades doing their thing…

1995 Pat Tadina was inducted into the Ranger Hall of Fame. 

Tad holds the distinction of being the longest continuously serving Ranger during the Vietnam War. His 22 awards (probably the most decorated soldier in Nam) include two Silver Stars, 10 Bronze Stars with seven Valor devices, three Vietnamese Crosses of Gallantry, four Army Commendation Medals including two for valor, and three Purple Hearts. 

A true Ranger, a true warrior. A friend.

 For Vietnam-era Ranger history:

For unit history from



The 173rd Airborne Brigade (Separate) deployed to the Republic of Vietnam on 5 May 1965 on Temporary Duty (TDY) status, the first army "combat" maneuver element to arrive in Vietnam. On 5 August 1965 the TDY status was changed to Permanent Change of Station (PCS). It quickly became apparent to Brigadier General Ellis W. Williamson that a reconnaissance element was needed to supplement Troop E, 17th Cavalry who were mounted troops and had the mission of providing road security and were ill equipped or trained to perform dismounted reconnaissance missions.

General Williamson tasked the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 503rd Infantry to ask for "Volunteers" to form the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP) detachment. The volunteers would not be permanently assigned to the LRRP detachment as there was no Table of Organization and Equipment (TO&E). The LRRP (Provisional) was formed from volunteers from the Infantry Battalions and placed on Special Duty status. Team makeup consisted of one lieutenant (team leader), one staff sergeant (asst. team leader), and two enlisted personnel (scouts). Training was given to the LRRP's by the 1st Royal Australian Regiment who were familiar with jungle operations and were veterans of combat operations in Malaysia. The LRRP detachment could not be maintained at full strength (4 teams / 16 personnel) due to combat losses of the infantry battalions who requested that their (SD) personnel be returned.

The first Long Range Patrol operation was in support of operation NEW LIFE in the La Nga River valley north of Vo Dat on 21 November 1965. The teams had to twice swim rivers to get into their Area of Operations (AO). Many of the operational techniques learned during actual combat patrols became Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the personnel who became replacements for the troops who returned to stateside assignments after their one year tour of duty. Lieutenants were no longer assigned as team members and the patrol leaders were the experienced Noncommissioned Officers of the LRRP detachment. The LRRP detachment became a permanent part of Troop E, 17th Cavalry in June 1966.

Many of the original members of the LRRP platoon were trained at the 101st Airborne Division RECONDO school at Ft. Campbell, KY. Additional training of the volunteers was On the Job Training (OJT) and at the RECONDO school at Nha Trang. Many of these volunteers never had the chance to attend any formal training as the 173rd Airborne Brigade was constantly on operations throughout the III Corps and II Corps areas of the Republic of Vietnam, however, infiltration and extraction techniques were refined and were SOP for the duration of the LRRP's operations in Vietnam. One misnomer that was in the mission statement for LRRP's was the word "Reconnaissance". Many of the missions given to the LRRP's were of a combat nature. The major unit commander had a highly trained and motivated force on the ground which had located an enemy force of various sizes and had the opportunity to inflict casualties upon an elusive enemy. The commander frequently utilized this option. Teams were typically briefed that when their mission of surveillance was completed they would ambush or capture a prisoner on the last day of their mission. Occasionally the LRRP's would receive an ambush or snatch mission as their primary mission.


The Department of the Army officially authorized the formation of the 74th Infantry Detachment (LRP) on 20 December 1967 and all personnel of the LRRP platoon were absorbed in to the 74th Infantry Detachment (LRP). The 173rd Airborne Brigade had moved to Dak To in the II Corps area of Vietnam. The 74th Infantry Detachment (LRP) was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation for its actions during the Dak To battles in November 1967, however this was in error as the 74th Infantry Detachment (LRP) did not exist at the time. The award should have been presented to the 173rd Airborne Brigade (LRRP) (Provisional).

The 74th Infantry (LRP) continued to perform missions as directed by the 173rd commander through out the II Corp region of Vietnam and eventually established a base camp at An Khe. Team leaders and potential team leaders were now able to attend the Recondo school conducted by the Special Forces at Nha Trang on a rotating basis while continuing to be the :"Eyes and Ears of the Commander". Staff Sergeant Laszlo Rabel, 74th Infantry Detachment (LRP) was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions on 12 November 1968. He was the only LRP member to be awarded the medal during the Vietnam war. Much credit needs to be given to the personnel of the LRRP platoon and the 74th Infantry Detachment (LRP) for establishing the doctrine that would become SOP for Company N (Ranger), 75th Infantry which absorbed the personnel of the 74th Infantry Detachment (LRP) on 1 February 1969.


Company N (Ranger), 75th Infantry established a base camp at Landing Zone (LZ) English, Bong Son, RVN from which to launch their deep penetration missions behind or within enemy controlled areas. The173rd Abn Brigade had assumed the mission of "pacification" of the Bong Son plains Company N (Ranger), 75th Infantry would become a Ranger screen while the Brigade was on pacification. The TO&E specified that the November Rangers would consist of 3 officers and 72 enlisted personnel. The assigned officers served as the Commander, Executive Officer and Operations Officer. Twelve operational teams of six men each composed entirely of enlisted personnel. The remaining enlisted personnel had the duties of platoon sergeant, Tactical Operations Center (TOC), supply and administration.

Missions for the Ranger company were typically 3 -5 days with a 2 day break in between for debriefing, rest and preparation for the next mission. The Rangers were operating in the mountainous terrain of the An Lao , An Do, Suoi Ca, Crows Foot valleys; the Highland Fishhook; and Nui Ba and Tiger Mountains of northern Binh Dinh province which bordered the I Corps area. This area of responsibility was to remain the domain of N company for the remainder of the war. The brigade Tet-69 campaign lasted from 9 February to 26 March 1969 and marked the first independent employment of a Ranger company in screening operations of the Vietnam war. During this period which was typical of Ranger operations, N Company conducted over 100 Long Range Patrols that resulted in 134 sightings of enemy personnel and 63 enemy killed by direct action, 5 prisoners and a much larger number of enemy killed by Ranger-sponsored indirect fire and reaction elements. The Rangers casualties for this period was 1 KIA, 20 WIA and none captured or missing.

In November 1969 the brigade permanently increased the size of the company to full company strength of 128 Rangers. Acceptance into the Rangers was based upon factors of a GT score of 100 or higher, no physical or mental impairments and voluntary request for the Ranger company. All prospective personnel were interviewed prior to acceptance and full acceptance was not granted until the volunteer had completed a period of individual training conducted by the company and had participated in a few patrols to prove his abilities. Training was a combat mission for volunteers and a high speed approach to training. Company N, (Ranger), 75th Infantry received numerous experimental systems to maximize performance. Nine (9) millimeter pistols with silencers were sent to the company from civilian firms in the United States, they were used to take out the NVA/VC sentries that guarded base camps and weigh stations. An experimental system for firing electronically detonated claymores that were daisy chained (Widow Makers) became a staple of Ranger ambushes.

November company personnel were called upon to conduct special contingency missions such as the BRIGHT LIGHT mission of prisoner rescue and the destruction of the VC infrastructure throughout Binh Dinh province. During April 1971 the Brigade Commander finally put the unofficial black beret on a Ranger's head during a ceremony that honored the men of the Ranger company for an earlier action. The beret had been denied the Rangers primarily because of senior officer opposition to further distinctions between unit paratroopers. On 25 August 1971, Company N (Ranger), 75th Infantry was solemnly deactivated. The Rangers of Company N (Ranger), 75th Infantry performed with exceptional courage and valor throughout their existence and service in Vietnam, two years and 6 months. Today, the modern Rangers of the 75th Ranger Regiment continue the traditions of being the premier fighting element of the active army. The traditions and dedication to their fellow RANGERS continues!!

tad group.jpg

On Terry B. "Rock" Roderick P/75th 1969-1970, RIP Dec 12, 2020

My good buddy Terry died Dec 12 , 2020 at 72. Too fucking soon. I have known Terry since the late 90s when I ws a member of the 75th Ranger Regiment Association and served on the board as a unit director for 2/75. We spoke on and off over the years but over the last two months he helped me with a Ranger Hall of Fame nomination package for a WW2 Ranger even though he was not feeling well. Terry was a great fucking guy. I miss him. I want to thank my two other ‘Nam era buddies for notifying me and for talking about him and other vets who have died too soon including one of the great soldiers of the Vietnam War Pat Tadina (more on him soon). There will be more on Terry once his family has gotten things settled and I will hopefully provide some kind of biography on the man.

Below is his unit’s history taken from the 75thRRA website

For a LRRP/LRP/Ranger history during the Vietnam War see:

Terry Roderick - a great Nam vet and lover of all things Ranger and Harleys Copyright: 75thRRA

Terry gave me this awesome coin a long time ago.

Terry gave me this awesome coin a long time ago.



The 1st Brigade of the 5th Infantry Division (MECH) arrived in northern South Vietnam in the I Corps area in July of 1968 as part of the final Army deployment into the combat theater. The 5th Infantry Division, supported by Armored Personnel Carriers, tanks, and other assorted motorized equipment was based at Camp Red Devil in the Quang Tri Province i the northernmost area of I Corps. They were assigned a large sector of responsibility along the Demilitarized Zone, from the Gulf of Tonkin on the east, to the Laotian border on the west The "RED DEVIL BRIGADE" conducted cordon and search missions sound villages, performed search and clear expeditions on the Khe Sahn Plains, and secured roadways throughout its assigned area of operation. Other tasks included, but were not limited to guarding the rice harvests and denying the enemy access to the agriculture rich coastline.

Extended foot reconnaissance was needed for many of these tasks, and the 79th Infantry Detachment (LRP) was activated on 15 December 1968. The detachment never reached operational status. Still in training, the detachment was supplemented by personnel transferred up north from F Co. (LRP) 51st Infantry of the II Field Force. The "HURRICANE PATROLLERS' had been replaced by Co. D (RANGER), 151st Infantry, an Indiana National Guard unit activated during the Vietnam conflict and its assets were used to form Companies 0 and P of the 75th Infantry.


On 1 February 1969, Co. P (RANGER) 75th Infantry was activated to perform reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition for the 1st Brigade, 5th Infantry Division (MECH). The personnel used to man PAPA Company were all volunteers and usually Airborne qualified, with a few exceptions. Team Leaders were usually graduates of & U. S. Army Ranger School at Fort Benning, Georgia or combat experienced non-commissioned officers. This was not always the case, as the most experienced and qualified men in the company were not always the ones with the highest rank. Team members had a wide variety of Military Occupational Specialties (MOS's) and training was usually done on the job. Recondo training was at the 5th Special Forces RECONDO SCHOOL in Nha Trang and was available to selected personnel as training allocations became available. PAPA Company was also equipped with trained Snipers, but because of terrain and mission objectives, they were seldom used operationally. The process of getting the company combat ready was declared complete in March of 1969.

PAPA Company fielded on average, six combat ready 6 man Ranger 'HUNTER-KILLER' teams that consisted of a team leader (TL) an assistant team leader (ATL), a radio operator (RTO) and 3 scout observers. Each team member performed a variety of tasks as assigned by the team leader. Generally speaking, 2 Ranger teams would be out in the field, 2 teams would be on 'READY ALERT' to back up teams out on patrol or to become a "REACTIONARY FORCE" as needed, and 2 teams would be in a stand down mode to resupply and prepare for their next assigned mission.

Missions assigned by the lst Bde., 5th Inf. Div. (MECH) generally consisted of an assigned 4 to 6 square kilometer area known as a 'BOX: The mission duration was normally 5 days and 4 nights unless the team was compromised or if contact was made with the enemy. In the northern I Corps area, to include the entire Demilitarized Zone, the enemy encountered was usually the hard-core NVA regulars, who were better equipped, better trained soldiers than their Viet Cong counterparts. A typical Ranger mission, if there is such a thing, would have the team recon and observe an area for enemy presence or movement for the first 4 days and attempt to ambush on the last night and day of the mission, prior to extraction. This was not always the case as some teams were authorized to ambush earlier in their mission, depending on circumstances.

PAPA Company Ranger teams were usually inserted and extracted by helicopter, but also used the assets of the 5th Infantry Division (MECH) which resulted in 'stay-behind' missions and direct insertions by tanks and armored personnel carriers.

Support for the PAPA Company teams was provided by 'REDLEG' artillery units at firebases A4 (known as Alpha 4) and C2 (known as Charlie 2) which were located just south of die Demilitarized Zone, a buffer zone that separated North and South Vietnam. Air support was provided by among others, the 158th Assault Helicopter Battalion of the 101st Infantry Division (AMBL) in Camp Evans, near Phu Bai, and the 17th Air Cavalry, stationed at Camp Red Devil in Quang Tri. Also at the disposal of the Rangers were naval vessels in the Gulf of Tonkin for fire missions, land and ship based attack and fighter aircraft, and bombers based in Thailand. Forward Air Controllers (FAC) and their aircraft were also available for spotting, radio relay, and for directing air strikes as needed. Bomb Damage Assessment (BDA) missions were common for the Rangers in PAPA Company.

By late 1970, & PAPA Company Rangers found their missions to be centered more in the Khe Sahn Plain. Much of the intelligence gathered during this period, through the early part of 1971, was instrumental in the success achieved by friendly forces during LAM SON 719 in April of 1971. The PAPA Company Rangers continued patrolling the DMZ, Khe Sahn area, the Citadel, Rockpile, and the Tri-Border Area until they began stand down procedures on 23 July 1971. All personnel were transferred out of the unit by 5 August 1971.

Co. P (RANGER) 75th Infantry was officially de-activated on 31 August 1971.

On Darby's Ranger Photographer Phil Stern 1919-2014

I met Phil “Snapdragon” Stern (September 3, 1919 – December 13, 2014) in late 1997. My interest was in Ranger history and I was told by fellow Rangers about Phil, the official combat photographer of Darby’s Rangers. Post-war, Phil went on to become a Hollywood photographer working on countless sets and photo shoots and also as photographer of political bigwigs. What many people don’t know was that Phil was the photographer of a million jazz album covers. I mean, to say the man was an artist is an understatement. He shot pictures of Marlon Brando (not the nicest of guys, per Phil), Sammy Davis Jr., John Wayne, Bobby Kennedy, Frank Sinatra and many others. 

The most interesting aspect to me was his collection of about 800 or so photographs Phil took as a Signal Corps sergeant of Darby’s Rangers. Phil was not a ‘true’ Ranger in that he did not undergo commando training like the rest of them did. It did not matter. He was close to Colonel Darby and the men and did not escape being badly wounded during combat action in North Africa, and as a result, he missed the majority of combat actions in Sicily and all of Italy, including the destruction of the First and Third Ranger Battalions at Cisterna in January 1944. Phil’s contributions to combat camera were vital and I wanted to make sure things like that would be preserved. As some of us know, donating things to the Ranger Regiment or certain museums meant those items often ended up in the hands of individuals… (James Altieri’s things, upon his death, were stolen from his locker by the property owner and sold on eBay).

Phil was extremely kind to fellow Rangers and never made any money off his military photographs. He allowed me to scan over 100 Darby Ranger images probably in 1997 or early 1998 on a large-bed scanner I owned to preserve them digitally. Some of the pictures ended up on someone’s website via Phil and helped him start a writing career. As a side note, some of the Darby veterans who had been interviewed by the author (who shall not be named) were unhappy about being published in his book – they had contributed interviews for historical preservation, not knowing it was intended for commercial exploitation – but that’s another story. To be fair, when I wrote about Darby’s Rangers in a little book for Osprey, I donated a fair bit of cash to the Ranger Battalions of WW2 Association.

I also helped raise funds for them. Ross Perot (1930-2019) and James Garner (1928-2014), who played Colonel Darby in a forgettable film called Darby’s Rangers, were both very generous donors to this. As some people may know James Garner was considered a mensch – a great human being. His donation to the association came when he was critically ill. Thank you, James!

Anyway, I became good friends with Phil and visited him way too many times – often he’d kick me out when he got tired. His house was a sweet little dump in the heart of Hollywood, full of his life’s work. We didn’t spend much time on his non-military pics. We talked a lot, he told stories mostly - while I listened. He had great stories about Darby and some of the men. His injuries had scared him, and so had some of the events he witnessed during the war. Like witnessing US soldiers murdering enemy soldiers – yes, WWII US soldiers did this – all armies do. He also shared stories about John Wayne and Marlon Brando and a million others. 

One day he made me look at proofs of his many awesome jazz album covers. I mean a ton of them. That reminds me of the great article Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wrote on Central Avenue, LA’s Hollywood jazz music scene.

See Phil’s jazz work here:

It also now reminds me of the great writer Walter Mosley’s series, Easy Rawlins. Anyhoot, I should have paid more attention to those images and stories (like describing Ella Fitzgerald’s shyness or why he would never cross a picket line), not just being a dumbass Ranger worrying about preserving Ranger history… I did not and it was my loss.

Phil was a great guy but there was also a strong narcissistic strain running through him. Maybe this goes with being a great artist. I am sure Patton had nothing on him. While he was in many ways a man of the people, Phil could be rude and in my view, became obsessively selfish once the not-yet-disgraced (sexual assault and harassment) Hollywood director, Brett Ratner, discovered Phil. Oh boy, one would have thought after all the decades of being in Hollywood and nearly killing James Dean with a car (they became friends after that and Phil took the iconic photo of Dean in his black turtleneck), Phil would have filled his need of ego-boosting. Well, he did not. But we all have flaws. The one thing that soured me on Phil was when he forbade me to use his Darby pics for the re-release of The Spearheaders by Jim Altieri.

Jim had been friends with Phil ever since WW2, working in Hollywood and promoting Ranger history. Phil said to me “I know I promised but it is now all about me and my pictures.” Okay, why not. He did not own the copyright on the photos taken while on duty with the US Army – public domain, you know, but whatever. I loved Phil but was also disappointed. Of course, he came out with a great book on his career, which included a ton of his Darby pictures as well.

I also had lunch with him and his film producer daughter, Lata Ryan, who was a gem. Unfortunately, she died prematurely of shit-fuck-piss cancer. Really sad. Great person. A son of Phil’s had died in a plane crash years before that from what I remember. Also very sad.

In any event, Phil was overall a very good, determined, kind man no matter how Hollywood makes people crazy. He had a great sense of humor and we’d fax back and forth stupid little notes. I should also say he was kind to my friend who visited him in Cannes when he had an exhibition there, bringing her along to lunch with an attentive and adoring crowd – all the while an oxygen tank trailing nonagenarian, determined Phil. He was a great and interesting person. I wish I could say the same about me – but no.

After I moved to Canada, Phil and I rarely spoke. Another friend of his published his WW2 memoir with a lot of his photographs. It is a beautifully made book – again by the great people at Osprey Publishing:

Brett Ratner loomed large, Phil’s time was running out, and he wanted to ensure his legacy. Maybe I had lost interest. It matters not. Phil and I were friends – Rangers. 

SSG Phil “Snapdragon” Stern was inducted into the Ranger Hall of Fame in 2014.

For some Darby pics see:

For some of his great work visit:

I miss him.


Phil Stern (

Born In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sept. 3, 1919

Works days as apprentice In New York City photo studio and darkroom and nights as photographer for the “Police Gazette.”

Staff photographer at “Friday” magazine covering east coast labor and other social Issues.

Sent to Los Angeles to work at Friday’s west coast bureau. Photographing labor stories again but with Cinema subjects added to the mix. “Friday” soon went bankrupt. Phil remains as freelance photographer for New York newspapers, LIFE , LOOK, Colliers, and other magazines.

Assigned by US Army to a photographic unit in London, England. Volunteers for “Darby’s Rangers” a much heralded fighting unit as combat photographer; nickname 66 snapdragon.” Wounded in North Africa and assigned, after recuperation, to cover invasion of Sicily/Italy.

Assigned by “LIFE” along with John Hersey to produce a photo essay on the homecoming of Darby’s Rangers. In Hollywood appears with film personalities promoting war bonds.

More photo essays for “LIFE” on post war social rehabilitation and the start of serious Hollywood film coverage.

1946 – thru to 80′s
As freelance photographer contributes to many magazines…. served as a “special” still cameraman on numerous film features including “West Side Story,” “Judgement at Nuremburg,” Guys and Dolls,” etc.

Worked intermittently for music labels to produce Jazz album covers for “Verve Records” (Norman Granz)… “Reprise” and “Pablo”.

Periodically from 1960′s thru the 1970′s covered Hollywood’s many film locations in Europe, Africa and South America. Also did a number of of photo essays In the Soviet Union photographing the Bolshoi Ballet, the Mosfilm Studio, and spent a month (1976) on the set of “The Blue Bird” a detante coproduction of USA and USSR. Also Moscow’s Film festival in 1967 as part of the Hollywood delegation.

And ad infinitum to now where, as Phil says, he recycles his youth.

Sergeant Phil Stern Signal Corps US Army

Sergeant Phil Stern Signal Corps US Army

Looking Ranger-like in this photo

Looking Ranger-like in this photo

North Africa - culture shock for the locals

North Africa - culture shock for the locals

Near London

Near London

Moments after taken this picture Phil got hit. The streaks are scratches on the negative.

Moments after taken this picture Phil got hit. The streaks are scratches on the negative.

This Sicilian family offered a home to Phil if he were willing to desert the army

This Sicilian family offered a home to Phil if he were willing to desert the army

Ranger legends from L-R - Jim Altieri, Phil Stern and Roy Murray on the movie set of the WB production Darby’s Rangers Copyright: WB

Ranger legends from L-R - Jim Altieri, Phil Stern and Roy Murray on the movie set of the WB production Darby’s Rangers Copyright: WB

Phil Stern and James Garner on set. Copyright: WB

Phil Stern and James Garner on set. Copyright: WB

I am certain this photo was not taken by Phil

I am certain this photo was not taken by Phil

A recreation some 50 years later in 1992 near Achnacarry, Scotland Copyright: Phil Stern

A recreation some 50 years later in 1992 near Achnacarry, Scotland Copyright: Phil Stern

Homage to the great photographers Copyright: Mir Bahmanyar

Homage to the great photographers Copyright: Mir Bahmanyar

Beautiful country, Scotland that is….

Beautiful country, Scotland that is….

Phil at a Combat Camera seminar Copyright:?

Phil at a Combat Camera seminar Copyright:?

Phil’s wicked sense of humor can be seen in this and the fax below.

Phil’s wicked sense of humor can be seen in this and the fax below.

Phil Stern - a great artist and fellow Ranger

Phil Stern - a great artist and fellow Ranger

On Our Heritage - fighting Nazis and fascists

I thought I’d post the opening speech given in the film Patton to remind ourselves that we are not white nationalists seeking to put non-whites in camps and/or murder them or to tell them how they have to live. Our fight is against the very far right terror groups that are working on behest of the GOP, intimidating anyone opposing a dictatorship or any form of authoritarian-type government as we are witnessing today in the White House. We fight NAZIS, not support them, we are ANTIFA. As a former Ranger I want to remind the Army Ranger community of that - our Rangers fought since 1942 to defeat those kinds of shit-bags. And the rest of our military, active, reserve, retired, whatever - we are subordinate to the will of the people. The PEOPLE, not the fascist-leaning GOP and Trump. It does not mean you have to support the Democrats, it means stop supporting domestic white terror groups, which some of you do. Stop supporting them in any shape or form. What if democratic-leaning ‘militias’ had gone with gun in hand to Florida in 2000 when Bush and his cronies elected themselves? Stop, take a step back and reflect on what this country stands for – or at least should stand for – human rights for all.


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On Mir’s Ten Commandments for America that will never get addressed

Mir’s Ten Commandments for America that will never get addressed by our weak-willed, cowardly politicians

1)    A national strategic environmental vision and green jobs for transitioning workers to fight climate change

2)    Remove religion from politics, military and judicial system 

3)    No more subsidies or bail-outs for corporate America and a fair tax system for all

4)    Reduce law enforcement and military budgets to add and fund community/social programs

5)    Affordable or free education for all, including workers who need retraining

6)    Free healthcare like our northern friends have in Canada

7)    No lobbying or dark money whatsoever (for one, reverse Citizens United)

8)    A Federal budget for elections – no more fundraising – we are not selling the presidency to the highest bidder

9)    Address social, economic, judicial injustices – that includes holding bankers and politicians who have committed crimes accountable

10)  Build the best infrastructure in the world

Of course we know better. Nothing describes how average citizens are treated by Church, President, Court and Military than James Ensor’s masterpiece Doctrinal Nourishment. All they do is shit on us and we eat it.

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